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error pulling image configuration

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I upgraded from 6.6.6 to 6.7.2 a few minutes ago and afterwards, my cache drive wouldn't mount without formatting. I thought no biggie, I formatted, restored from my appdata backup, deleted the docker image file, went to install my first docker and got this error (which I get if I try to install any docker)


Error: error pulling image configuration: Get https://production.cloudflare.docker.com/registry-v2/docker/registry/v2/blobs/sha256/09/092b68db983d362179d0f2f6d7c520605e3b624e719c1f77725ff57e2126c478/data?verify=1562217142-U%2BKfVSN6HkEVZiL4UDSGqLKbcAs%3D: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid


It's probably an easy fix but I'm not sure what it is so any help would be greatly appreciated. 

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It sure was. I really appreciate this. I had a lightning strike about 2 weeks ago and it fried everything that was connected via ethernet from my cable modem. I had to replace my motherboard because it fried the ethernet ports but everything else was still functional, I didn't even think to check the time and date when I put a replacement board on.



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  • 6 months later...

I am having the same issue. It first started after I updated to 6.8.1, I even reverted back to 6.7.2 with no success. I am new to UNRAID and have been looking for a solution on the forums and this thread is the closest I found. I had 3 dockers that won't update and now another joined the list for a total of 4 containers that won't update. Here is what it's spitting up after a failed update, any help will be greatly appreciated.

Screenshot (1).png

Screenshot (2).png

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