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How to stop wrting to a disk?

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This may be a stupid question ,but is there a way to tell unraid to stop writing to a particular disk at a certain percent full, or free space remaining?  I've seen the threads about rebalancing drives, and about guidelines for filling a disk to like 95% or 98%, and I know about the disk threshold settings for warning and critical alerts.   But I don't see a clear way to tell the server to stop writing to the disk.

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Include or Exclude disks on each individual share.  But not 100% sure if split levels override this setting.  Personally, I just split everything, and could care less if as an example, all episodes are all stored on one disk.  When the disks as a whole get full, I add another or expand one of them.




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On 7/7/2019 at 10:18 PM, Squid said:

Include or Exclude disks on each individual share. 

If I exclude a disk that already has files for a given share, does that interfere with my ability to read the files that are already on the excluded disk?  Or does an exclusion only affect write operations?


Update:  I just found this statement in another post:


Includes/Excludes -- whether local or global -- only apply to writes.    No disks are excluded when showing the contents of a share for reading.

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On 1/26/2021 at 7:07 AM, Stan464 said:

Sorry to bump or reply to an old thread!

Was just looking for the answer to this and glad to see someone was curious about the Exclude ect.


I'm also curious. I've been an unRaid user for a long time so 4 of my 20 disks are still on ReiserFS.  I plan to use Unbalance to start getting data off of them but don't want anything to write to them. If I come back and reply on this old old thread it means I found a solution. Otherwise if I don't I just ended up disabling the disk on each of my User Shares in the share tab. I have like 30 shares so I;d prefer something easier. Hopefully those disks don't brutally murder each other anytime soon (Sorry that was in poor taste).


Edit: I looked and searched and looked some more. I can't find a good way to disable a drive on all shares easily. Seems the only option right now is to just exclude it in Share Settings for the Share. I just disabled it in the shares that are likely going to have writes today instead of all 30 so only like half a dozen. I'd request the feature but I assume the use case is so small that it's not worth it.

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You could exclude certain disks from all user shares in Global Share Settings, but that would mean their content could only be accessed by specifying a disk path, might be a problem with Unbalance, but Midnight Commander or even the Dynamix File Manager (requires v6.10) could work with them.

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