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[GUIDE] archlinux VM with EFI


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Here is my commands which i've now used multiple times to install archlinux as VM inside Unraid with EFI.


Currently on unraid version: 6.9.0-beta25 and on AMD system.


Tell me if there is any problems with it.


NEW: There is nowdays guided install script in latest arch isos. So you can also run archinstall and it is much simpler method.

Tested it with I440fx-5.1/Q35-5.1 and systemd-boot on archlinux-2021.10.01-x86_64.iso


Add VM --> Select Arch


Machine: I440fx-5.1 or Q35-5.1


Select OS Install ISO

Primary vDisk Size: 20G

Select keyboard layout!



Connect to VM


NEW: At this point you can run command: archinstall

guided installation method. You can install minimal desktop and do GUI installation step from guide to get same lxde desktop or choose another from desktop installation method.


localectl list-keymaps                                #lists all keymaps

loadkeys fi                                               #your keymap fi/en/swe etc whatever you want

ls /sys/firmware/efi/efivars                       #checks if efi is enabled

ping google.com                                      #check that you have connection

timedatectl set-ntp true                          #sets ntp


fdisk -l                                                    #lists disks


gdisk /dev/vda                                           #open gdisk on your virtual drive

------------- gdisk /dev/vda ------------------
n(enter) >> enter >> enter >> +550M(enter) >> EF00(enter)     #efi partition
n(enter) >> enter >> enter >> +18G(enter) >> enter                 #linux partition 18G for 20GB vDisk 28G for 30GB vDisk etc
n(enter) >> enter >> enter >> enter >> 8200(enter)                 #swap partition, rest of disk as swap

w+y                                                                                       #writes changes



mkfs.fat -F32 /dev/vda1                             #formats efi partition
mkfs.ext4 /dev/vda2                                  #formats linux parition
e2label /dev/vda2 "arch_os"                      #labels vda2 as arch_os
mkswap /dev/vda3                                    #formats swap partition
swapon /dev/vda3                                     #sets swap partiton


mount /dev/vda2 /mnt                               #mounts linux partition to /mnt

mkdir /mnt/boot                                       #makes boot folder inside /mnt

mount /dev/vda1 /mnt/boot                       #mounts efi partition to /mnt/boot


pacstrap /mnt base                                  #installs arch to /mnt


genfstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab           #generated fstab


arch-chroot /mnt                                      #changes root location to /mnt aka where just installed arch

timedatectl list-timezones                         #list available timezones

timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Helsinki    #set your zone as default

hwclock --systohc                                    #sets hardware clock


pacman -S nano                                      #installs nano text editor


nano /etc/locale.gen                                #remove comment mark (#) infront of your preferred language 

locale-gen                                                #generates locales


nano /etc/vconsole.conf                            #open/create file
------- /etc/vconsole.conf ----------
KEYMAP=fi                                               #sets keyboard layout, CTRL+X >> y >>  enter


nano /etc/hostname                                 #open/create file
-------- /etc/hostname ---------------
archlinux                                                #sets hostname for your machine, CTRL+X >> y >>  enter


nano /etc/hosts                                       #open/create file
------ /etc/hosts -----------------------           localhost
::1                    localhost            archlinux.workgroup    archlinux               #CTRL+X >> y >>  enter


pacman -S linux linux-firmware dhcpcd        #installs linux package, press 1 on question, linux-firmware and dhcpcd

pacman -S amd-ucode                              #intel-ucode for intel systems 

passwd                                                    #sets password for root

bootctl install                                           #installs efi bootmgr


nano /boot/loader/loader.conf                     #bootloader config
------ /boot/loader/loader.conf -----------------
default arch.conf
timeout 4
console-mode max
editor no                    #CTRL+X >> y >>  enter


nano /boot/loader/entries/arch.conf             #boot options for arch
------ /boot/loader/entries/arch.conf -----------
title Arch Linux
linux /vmlinuz-linux
initrd /amd-ucode.img                                #/intel-ucode.img for intel systems
initrd /initramfs-linux.img
options root="LABEL=arch_os" rw            #CTRL+X >> y >>  enter


exit                                                        #exits arch-chroot

reboot                                                    #reboots system

ip link                                                      #to find ethernet port

dhcpcd ens1                                           #set dhcp up

ping google.com                                      #test connection


-------------- GUI installation start ---------------------

pacman -S lxde                                       #installs lxde (you can install whatever GUI you want)


#optional apps
pacman -S firefox                                   #installs firefox
pacman -S transmission-gtk                    #installs transmission GUI

systemctl enable lxdm                            #enables lxdm service

nano /etc/lxdm/lxdm.conf                       #opens lxdm config
session=/usr/bin/startlxde                      #edit session to match as following (uncomment it)


setxkbmap fi                                         #inside gui enviroment sets your keymapping

-------------- GUI installation end ---------------------

dhcpcd ens1                                         #if you dont have network
systemctl enable dhcpcd@ens1           #creates startup service for ens3

pacman -Syy                                        #update package list
pacman -Su                                         #install updates


#optional: user creation for sudoing
useradd -m -s /bin/bash arch                 #creater new user, arch is username
passwd arch                                         #sets password for arch

pacman -S sudo                                    #installs sudo package

EDITOR=nano visudo                             #edit sudo config

arch ALL=(ALL) ALL                              #add this line with your username under root ALL=(ALL) ALL and CTRL+X >> y >>  enter


reboot                                               #reboot




Edited by twiikker
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Glad that it worked. Maybe you missed something from list.

"mkinitcpio -p linux" didnt work without "pacman -S linux" on latest builds and brought me on grub promt also.


I'll just remove those update notes from commands that they won't lead people to skip those.


Have to take look on that initial command.


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Another slight modification:



[root@archlinux]# hwclock --systohc                                    #sets hardware clock
[root@archlinux]# locale-gen                                           #generates locales

With the following:

[root@archlinux]# hwclock --systohc                                    #sets hardware clock
[root@archlinux]# nano etc/locale.gen                                  #edit locale gen file

remove comment on relevant locale line (e.g., en-US UTF-8)

[root@archlinux]# locale-gen                                           #generates locales
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  • 4 months later...

Another change I found when installing. a new fresh arch VM


grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/mnt/boot --boot-directory=/mnt/boot --bootloader-id=grub             #installs grub

arch-chroot /mnt                                     #back to /mnt root

pacman -S grub                                       #installs grub package to installation

the grub-install command won't be found. You need to install grub first.

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On 7/7/2020 at 9:13 PM, tknx said:

Another change I found when installing. a new fresh arch VM


grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/mnt/boot --boot-directory=/mnt/boot --bootloader-id=grub             #installs grub

arch-chroot /mnt                                     #back to /mnt root

pacman -S grub                                       #installs grub package to installation

the grub-install command won't be found. You need to install grub first.

Gonna take a look on this after i get my server upgrade up and running. Still waiting some extra parts :)

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1 hour ago, BiGBaLLA said:

Thanks for keeping this updated! I really appreciate it. I feel like I'm adding a different vm every month or so.


Only note, you may want to update the two comments for the intel options that are pointing to amd.


#/intel-ucode.img for amd systems


Thanks! Had those ucode thigys other way around and missed rest of comment :)

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  • 1 month later...
14 minutes ago, SavageAUS said:

I've tried installing the xf86-video-qxl to improve graphics in the vm i created but when i install that package i boot to a black screen.

Any suggestions?

I think that qxl in unraid and qxl inside VM are completely separate thing. Like qxl in unraid connects straight to KVM engine and not to the OS. And when you installed that package inside VM it distrupted the connection somehow. For fixing it you could try to boot into install media mount disks like in guide, chroot to /mnt and remove that qxl package.

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