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Server Name vs IP Help

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Hello everyone!


I’m installing the trail to test but am running into an issue that I hope you can help with. 


From my Window 10 machine I can login via without a problem but can not via http://servername 


Unraid server does not appear in my Network. Same 192.268.1 network of course.  


Thanks in advance for the help.  

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I found that on MAC I can enter: http://servername.local and it works while on the PC I can enter either http://servername or  which is the ip address for the UNRAID machine.


Thanks so much for taking the time to respond!


Now I'm having a hell'a time with two brand new 8TB Seagate Compute drives. Both failed PRECLEAR.  My goodness! ;) rerunning the process one more time incase I aborted or paused or did something stupid while the GUI was un-synced. I find that my drives disappear completely and when I HUP / reboot the OS they show up again. Don't know if that's a bug. I will see what happened with these drives in 16 HOURS .. .Doh.!!!!

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5 minutes ago, JCristina said:

I found that on MAC I can enter: http://servername.local and it works while on the PC I can enter either http://servername or  which is the ip address for the UNRAID machine.


Thanks so much for taking the time to respond!


Now I'm having a hell'a time with two brand new 8TB Seagate Compute drives. Both failed PRECLEAR.  My goodness! ;) rerunning the process one more time incase I aborted or paused or did something stupid while the GUI was un-synced. I find that my drives disappear completely and when I HUP / reboot the OS they show up again. Don't know if that's a bug. I will see what happened with these drives in 16 HOURS .. .Doh.!!!!

Just a thought - are you sure that your power supply can handle the additional drives and that the power connections to the drives are fine. Drives should not just disappear!

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Thanks for that. There are only 2 drive in the system and an SSD as of now but can handle 10-12 drives. 750W Power Supply in there right now. 2 HDs should not be an issue. I am running PRECLEAR {clear} right now on the two brand new 8TB drives to see if there are legit errors on both new drives or if it was something wonky that happened. I wish there was a TURBO button on this process. ;) 

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