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I didn't know if the supply for this case was low because of high demand or what

so i got onto Coolermasters support chat and asked about the case

I was told the item was discontinued and the replacement was the 690 advanced which only has 4 5.25 bays compared to 9 on the 590


I have been slowly getting the parts for my first unraid server and haven't purchased the case yet thinking the 590 would be there when i was ready for it


just wanted to pass on the news and i guess i now have to figured out a replacement... :'(

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Its not that bad. You can do what I did




I currently have the 590 case and really like it, however I dig the side loading of drives you have there with your case. Thats nice and really handy.


Thats why I went with the 690 II Advanced instead of the 590. It has the six internal drive bays that slide out like Blofeld's case. With two additional 3-in-2's thats 12 drives. Perfect for a Plus licence. Should I require more I can always get a bracket for over the PSU as per Joe's recommendation.










That way you have the internal 6 drives and 6 drives available via the two 3-in-2. Unless you need more drives :/

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I'm going to just copy and paste a reply I made in another thread:


The Antec Three Hundred is probably the closest analog in both price and features. It only comes with a three drive cage, so for maximum storage you'd need to buy three CM cages. You could of course opt for three hot swap 5 in 3 cages, but that does drive the price up a lot.

This Xigmatek also looks quite similar: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811815007


As does this Aerocool: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811196039


And this, from a company I've never heard of: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811517007

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The Antec Three Hundred is probably the closest analog in both price and features. It only comes with a three drive cage, so for maximum storage you'd need to buy three CM cages. You could of course opt for three hot swap 5 in 3 cages, but that does drive the price up a lot.



The 300 has nine external 5.25" bays that you could use three "5 in 3" cages with?


Anyone here have such a system?

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It is tempting.  With four 5in3's, you could put 20 hard drives in...


Of course the only concern there is a massive overvoltage PS failure that fries all 20 drives. 


(Not worried about two HD failures as I'd lose at most two HD's worth of data... )


Go big or go home, right?  ;D

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Go big or go home, right?  ;D


At the same time I have to say...  That by the time I fill up even eight 2TB drives, the HD, processor, MB technologies will have so advanced that it's already time to move to the next generation...  (And start storing files on two 8TB drives instead....  Which would likely necessitate a new build.)


Sometimes I hate making decisions.  :)


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Go big or go home, right?  ;D


At the same time I have to say...  That by the time I fill up even eight 2TB drives, the HD, processor, MB technologies will have so advanced that it's already time to move to the next generation...  (And start storing files on two 8TB drives instead....  Which would likely necessitate a new build.)


Sometimes I hate making decisions.  :)



But they're FUN decisions!!  :D


As an aside, another plus about getting the bigger case is that you can also throw in any smaller drives you have lying about, without worrying about using up precious slots...


Also, and I think I can speak for most of this community when I say that when I first built my server, I never thought I would use up the 13 TBs of space I had. But, as it always seems the case, when you have more, you use more... :).

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thanks for all of the suggestions fella's


DoeBoye....when I was single and had single man money I was with you to the fullest but now having a wife and kids to feed and a mortgage I have had to learn to back off a bit...lol


in some ways thats good....I would love to just bite the bullet and buy a norco case and all and envy those who have

but then I think that with the 590 which for the last few months since i have found unraid I could have bought it from amazon for $60 with free shipping.....and hell just add 3 of the cm 4 in 3 enclosures for $20 a piece and use/make some kind of enclosure that would sit on top of the power supply

so knowing of the 20 drive limit of unraid i could buy 2 pro licenses and build 2 servers with the 590 and have 30-32 drives between 2 590's and have spent less than a norco build


now having been forced to look around for a replacement case that will hopefully still be around when i get the dough to order one i have found there are some others that may work but there are a lot of unknowns


with all the builds here using the 590 you knew exactly what you were going to get....excellent build quality....excellent cooling...etc etc


now the 690 advance II is a beautiful case but honestly you lose some flexibilty and it costs more......having to spend more and get less is very disappointing

in fact it brings up a lot of single man thoughts and makes me want to go to coolermaster home office and choke every last person i can get to till the police show up.....only a single man can afford to even try and calculate how much a$$ kicking you can do before the cops show up.....lol

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Just tell your wife and kids that Hard Drives only last a year, and they can't keep watching their movies with no Hard Drives.


Now I have an annual Hard Drive fund...


Clever. Evil, but clever!  ;D


In the same vein, but completely off topic, I just pulled 2GBs of ram out of my gf's Hackintosh because my UnRaid box is complaining about low memory... Let's hope she doesn't notice it's missing... I'll try the no ram=no movies if she complains ;)


Back on-topic: That last case looks like a good deal. A bit fugly, but lots of capacity for a cheap price. Can it live on it's side?

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  • 1 month later...

There are other option, but as was said we don't really know what to expect since they have more than likely not been used. The 590 was a great case that had no over exaggerated styling.


Take a look at the

AeroCool Vx-9 Pro

AeroCool Vs-9 Black SECC

Xigmatek Utgard Window


I like the 2nd and 3rd the most... but who know how well they might work...


I actually bought the second one, I had to cut the USB + Audio cable for the front panel as there's no way it can fit 3x of the super micro cage.  Then I have to bend the metal holder in order to slot the HDD cage in :(

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