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[Plugin] Dark Theme (now highly configurable!)


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Updated January 4, 2020:


This is nearly a "build your own theme" plugin. It started as a custom version of the "black" theme to be easier on your eyes, now you can adjust a bunch of values from the Dark Theme settings page. Below is a screenshot of the default "Dark Theme" appearance, as well as the settings page with which values you can currently modify.


To install, search for "Dark Theme" on Community Application!






Edited by Skitals
New settings screenshot
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I added the first customization option to the plugin page. You can adjust the grayscale/desaturation of images and icons ui wide. I found some docker icons blinding on the dark theme which is why I shipped with this turned on. Now you can set it to your liking (setting it to 0 turns it off completely). Settings are saved to /boot/config/plugins/dark.theme/settings.cfg and are applied to the css in real-time and at boot, so it is persistent.


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39 minutes ago, CryoRig said:

The removal of the plugin does not reset to the previous theme...

in my case i had the black theme active before i installed the plugion

after removal of the plugin the white theme got activated

not a big issue, just thought i would bring it up


I figured no one would ever uninstall it ;) Joking aside, yes, it is coded that way. Now that I have a persistent config file, it shouldn't be too much work to save your original setting and restore to that on uninstall. I will add it to my to-do list.

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4 hours ago, glave said:



Contrast on the used space % of the array is pretty difficult to read.  So far everything else is looking good.


I asked the same thing in the previous thread and got no response. How can we update the CSS to change just that to say, black? I tried to find it myself but couldn't seem to locate it.

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1 hour ago, L0rdRaiden said:

How do I unistall the plugin manually from flash and apply the default theme? After restarting the webui is not accessible anymore. If I restart in safe mode I can see the default interface working.

Edit /boot/config/plugins/dynamix.cfg and change the line theme="dark" to theme="white"

Or simply delete dynamix.cfg and it will use default settings. The file gets (re)created when you save any changes on the Display Settings page.

Before deleting it, I am curious what the contents of your dynamix.cfg are. Does the file exist, and is the line theme="dark" present?

To remove the plugin manually, you should just have to delete /boot/config/plugins/dark.theme.plg and the folder /boot/config/plugins/dark.theme/

Most likely it is an issue with dynamix.cfg, though.

Lastly, if you could be more specific what you mean by the webgui isn't accessible. What type of error/message are you getting?

Edited by Skitals
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8 minutes ago, Zenergy said:

I installed the plugin, and then hit the enable button, and.... nothing.  no change.

Are you using the 2020.01.03 build that just came out? It includes a change that should fix that... or perhaps I broke something else.


Also, please let me know what verison of unRAID you are using. If the 2020.01.03 build doesn't work for you, please paste the contents of your file /boot/config/plugins/dynamix/dynamix.cfg

Then go to Settings > Display Settings and try choosing "Dark" from the "Dynamix color theme" dropdown.

Edited by Skitals
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15 minutes ago, Skitals said:

Are you using the 2020.01.03 build that just came out? It includes a change that should fix that... or perhaps I broke something else.


Also, please let me know what verison of unRAID you are using. If the 2020.01.03 build doesn't work for you, please paste the contents of your file /boot/config/plugins/dynamix/dynamix.cfg

Then go to Settings > Display Settings and try choosing "Dark" from the "Dynamix color theme" dropdown.

I am using 2020.01.02a (downloaded from the community app)

I am using the lastest Unraid Version: 6.8.0 

and the change from Display settings worked.. thank you.

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I made a bunch of internal changes and broke something when I pushed it out. Took a couple versions to fix it, but 2020.01.03e SHOULD be stable. I no longer directly touch dynamix.cfg. I found the built in update.php to change the theme to dark. I can't figure out how to automate this on install, so you now need to go to the Dark Settings page and hit Enable the first time you install the plugin. This switches the theme to "dark" using the same method as the Display Settings page.

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14 minutes ago, Skitals said:

I made a bunch of internal changes and broke something when I pushed it out. Took a couple versions to fix it, but 2020.01.03e SHOULD be stable. I no longer directly touch dynamix.cfg. I found the built in update.php to change the theme to dark. I can't figure out how to automate this on install, so you now need to go to the Dark Settings page and hit Enable the first time you install the plugin. This switches the theme to "dark" using the same method as the Display Settings page.

I had to reinstall Unraid due to this plugin, I hope the new version doesn't break things after a reboot

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