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Hi all, i just spent a good part of 3 days countless hours reading through dead end threads trying to get 1 docker working with the correct path ONLY!  im sorry guys Unraid = $200 aud and im not a guru in Linux and this forum is the only help? even freenas was easier than this unraid.

my problem, docker jellyfin is unable to find my media path. thats its! 


so my question is were is the newbie section?


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On 4/22/2020 at 2:03 AM, ffsjoe said:
my problem, docker jellyfin is unable to find my media path

I did not see your question posted in either of the Jellyfin support threads, so I will reply here.


I am going to hazzard a guess and say this is because you don't have a volume mapping for the media path or you are looking for the wrong path in Jellyfin.  Docker volume mappings can be confusing when you are first introduced to the concept.


I do not use Jellyfin; I use Plex, but many docker containers operate on the same principle when it comes to file system paths.  In the docker container, you map a container path (whatever you want it to be) to an actual file system path in unRAID.  You can think of docker containers having their own file system and you then have to tell the container how its filesystem should map to the unRAID file system.


As an example, you may have something like this:


Container Path:  /media

Host Path (unRAID file system): /mnt/user/media


This tells Jellyfin that when you browse to /media in Jellyfin, you want it to access the media in /mnt/user/media on the unRAID array.


The important thing to remember is that you NEVER specify a host path in the docker app. Jellyfin has no idea what mnt/user/media is within its file system. You always specify the designated container path when browsing for media in the application; /media in this example.


Here is one of my volume mappings in Plex as an example (In Plex Media Server I browse for /movies when adding a Movies library):



Edited by Hoopster
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