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Blacklisted USB Flash GUID

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There is lot much you can do other than use a device that is not blacklisted :(   Limetech do not have any procedure for un-blacklisting a GUID  (I know as I asked when I accidentally ran the licence transfer process against the wrong flash drive thus blacklisting a perfectly good one) .  It is a requirement that Unraid is run from a device with a unique GUID.   This means you cannot use devices where the manufacturer has not given each of them a unique GUID which it looks like what is happening in this case.

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Mine got blacklisted recently after a 6.8.2 -> 6.8.3 update


i pulled it from my unraid server, popped it in a windows PC and allowed windows repair the errors it found. This fixed the blacklist issue


sometimes this happens, and the windows repair process resolves it. Worth a shot if this has happened out of the blue.

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1 hour ago, meep said:

Mine got blacklisted recently after a 6.8.2 -> 6.8.3 update


i pulled it from my unraid server, popped it in a windows PC and allowed windows repair the errors it found. This fixed the blacklist issue


sometimes this happens, and the windows repair process resolves it. Worth a shot if this has happened out of the blue.

in theory that should not help as the GUID is built into the hardware.


it can happen after an upgrade if the device appears to have a valid GUID when Unraid is first installed,  but it later turns out that this is not the case when more than one user tries to register the same GUID.  In such a case it is only when the upgrade happens that the new blacklist kicks in and you get the message.

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  • 10 months later...

It can also happen if you move from one usb drive to a new one (they block the old one)

I thought my usb key had died so i got a new one but i needed something to use in the meantime (turns out it was an Ryzen USB bug) so then i moved to my new one (that was 2 usb keys blocked in one day.

In total now i think i've gotten 4 blocked and they are all good keys.

I'm just about to replace my synology with a itx build and unraid (i'll soon have 2 unraid devices)

I'm starting to get fed up with buying new usb keys each time i want to use one.


I understand they are trying to protect their software but what about my pile of unusable usb keys!!!!

I really should be able to use one of those usb sticks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Yes it says that above.

It's still frustrating and obviously it's going to cause complaints from time to time.

I think those complaints are justified.

(In case you haven't heard there is a whole wave of Ryzen owners with USB issues at the moment, it's easy to blame a USB stick when it's actually a BIOS issue)


I'm still not happy with this. 

They obviously have a mechanism to block the things in the first place.

So why not just not block them in the first place?

The GUID are unique and if they are not tied to my license any more then that's enough. I am wanting to buy an additional license but I'm stuck at the moment (i have plenty of working USB sticks that are suitable)


It's like saying "i don't have a mechanism to prevent myself from punching your face..... That makes it okay for me to punch your face."


I'm not expecting a fix.

I just wanted to voice my feelings.

Edited by mdrodge
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I know but i have to many for this mystery task that I'm yet to find and not enough for the task that i am currently facing.

It's not like I'd put files on it that could just as easily be accessed from my UNRAID server wirelessly.


Maybe I'll make some modern art with them or maybe grind them up and use them to grit my path when it snows.


(I still love unraid and it's not even limetech's fault as such but it's annoying and i wish there was something I could do about it)


I'll get one once I've fully built the new device and not before (i am not risking any more sticks than necessary especially when you add on the risk of getting a fake USB stick)(That's quite a big risk to, I've had a few of them over the years not just with UNRAID)


Can i boot from floppy disk instead? (joke)

Edited by mdrodge
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