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6.8.3 I had a kernel panic during preclear disk

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6.8.3 I had a kernel panic during preclear disk I think.  


I was clearing a spinning rust 2TB seagate and a SSD at the same time.  I was doing this during a parity check (unclean shutdown) not sure if that's wise....


I've included my diagnostic and my syslog file here, can somebody shed a bit of light for me?  Interesting was that the gui was still available, but it didn't show any array information.  All my dockers were up, and accessible, but not the docker tab itself.  I had to hold down the power button to reboot as the option was not on the gui.  The parity check is running now again.  The kernel panic starts at 21:13:22 Apr 29th.


Thanks a bunch guys.


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You should never clear an SSD, and it is debatable whether you should preclear that other disk since it is already well beyond "infant mortality". Preclear is really only for testing and burning in disks since Unraid will clear a disk anyway in the one and only situation it requires a clear disk (adding a disk to a new data slot in an array that already has valid parity).

1 hour ago, Vannie said:

the gui was still available, but it didn't show any array information.

This sounds like a problem with flash, but nothing else in diagnostics or that additional syslog to indicate that.



1 hour ago, Vannie said:

kernel panic starts at 21:13:22 Apr 29th

Have you done memtest?

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On 4/29/2020 at 10:54 PM, trurl said:


Have you done memtest?

So I ran a 12 hour memtest yesterday and there were no issues reported.  I'm starting to wonder if my USB boot stick is bad.


To clarify how I shut down:

1. I stop all my dockers.

2. I stop all my vm's (I only have 3 linux ones active all the time)

3. I make sure I have no shells open

4. I hit the power button provided by the Dynamix buttons plugin.  


Then I leave the machine for 30 minutes or so, but still it does not shut down.  The last message I see via the attached monitor is normally something like (boot unmounted).  But I have to still press the power button and then on next boot I have to recreate the USB key.

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11 hours ago, Vannie said:

To clarify how I shut down:

1. I stop all my dockers.

2. I stop all my vm's (I only have 3 linux ones active all the time)

3. I make sure I have no shells open

4. I hit the power button provided by the Dynamix buttons plugin.  

Instead of step 4, what happens if you hit the stop button on the Main gui tab? If it stops successfully, try the shut down button on the Main gui.

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Instead of step 4, what happens if you hit the stop button on the Main gui tab? If it stops successfully, try the shut down button on the Main gui.

Same thing. It still corrupts. I just installed the button to see if that would make a difference.

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Does the array stop successfully? Not shutdown, just come back to a stopped screen with the option to start it again?

Funny that. There was something stopping it from unmounting successfully. It said disk1 was still in use. Fuser command said it was mount command holding it up. Nothing else running.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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