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[Solved] removed drives from external enclosure

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Without diagnostics, my best guess is that the partition starting location was mangled by the enclosure. Try disconnecting 1 of the unmountable drives and see if the emulated drive mounts ok. If so, then rebuilding on the same drive should fix it. If that works you would need to rebuild one at a time.


It should go without saying that your data is at risk here, so I hope you have good backups.

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OP did post diagnostics, and it seems there isn't a parity drive, so no drives can be emulated or rebuilt.


I think putting them back in that enclosure is probably going to be the best bet for getting the data off the drives before you can make any changes to the hardware configuration. Parity should be a top priority.

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7 minutes ago, trurl said:

OP did post diagnostics, and it seems there isn't a parity drive, so no drives can be emulated or rebuilt.


I think putting them back in that enclosure is probably going to be the best bet for getting the data off the drives before you can make any changes to the hardware configuration. Parity should be a top priority.

Apparently they were posted while I was typing my response.


You are right, the only way forward that I can think of is put the drives back where they will mount and go from there.

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9 hours ago, tmoran000 said:

I have a parity, i just pulled it when I pulled the diag.

Why? And how? Your diagnostics said no parity was assigned, it didn't say it was missing.


OK, I think your syslog is saying you did New Config without parity. Why? So you indeed have no parity, and whatever might be on the disk you previously had assigned as parity is likely invalid now.

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ok so here is where I am, So yes, I pulled the parity but yes somehow it became not valid which is ok. I wanted to upgrade my 8tb to a 10 anyways.. so what I did was out the 3 drives back in to the enclosures and with a new config everything is back. Its rebuilding the parity now but when I am done, I will be adding a few new drives. What I want to do is move the data off of the drives I put back into the enclosures to an empty disk so I can then remove them from enclosure, add to my disk shelf and format..... Other then Krusader since it sucks, slow and errors. is there a fast/semi easy way to copy from one disk to another?


Thanks and sorry for confusion. 


also thanks for all the replies.

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4 hours ago, tmoran000 said:

What I want to do is move the data off of the drives I put back into the enclosures to an empty disk so I can then remove them from enclosure, add to my disk shelf and format.....

Fastest way would be to rebuild one drive at a time outside the enclosure, or 2 if you have dual parity.

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11 hours ago, tmoran000 said:

pulled the parity but yes somehow it became not valid

FYI since you seem to not know how it became invalid.


Since you told Unraid to forget about your parity drive it assumed any disk you put in the parity slot later did not have valid parity. And since you had started the array while nothing was assigned to parity, that assumption was correct.

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