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Missing Containers

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Hello there,


I started my unRAID server after a week... all is running well...


Since weeks the server is running a plex docker container. But, since today unRAID is not showing or starting any VM or docker container... not installed and not running.


Is there any way to get this container back working ? I hoped, unRAID is "just running" and reliable.


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8 minutes ago, Blebbens said:

a few days later I started the server again and container was disappeared.

Based on the transaction id both the docker and libvirt images are fairly new, Unraid recreates them at array start if it previous ones are missing, this can happen if they were deleted or most frequently if the device where they were is missing or unmountable, to avoid the latter you should use the disk path in the settings, not the user path, so this doesn't happen, so e.g. for the docker set it to /mnt/cache/system/docker.img instead of /mnt/user/system/docker.img


Also note that old images might still exist on the array, the system share has files both on the array and cache.

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Thank you... first, I would like to rescue the old plex container, which has to exist anywhere. At installation I changed nothing (path etc).


Is it possible to rescue the plex container? I am using an cache SSD since weeks, but activated it within the last days.

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So, in docker settings I have to change /mnt/user/appdata to /mnt/cache/appdata, right ?


By telling I have to move files you mean: I have to open a file explorer like krusader and move /mnt/user/system/docker/docker.img to /mnt/cache/system/docker/docker.img ?  Or just moving /mnt/user/appdata to /mnt/cache/appdata ? Krusader, as it is a container itself, has the ability files outside of the container environment ?


"disk1" and "cache" means to copy from physical disk1 to physical cache ssd, right ?


With these changed settings above plex container is up and running... without copying anything. So, I have to overwrite files ?


And, for the VM Manager settings I have to change /mnt/user/system/libvirt/libvirt.img to /mnt/cache/libvirt/libvirt.img ?


Sorry, VMs and docker is totally new to me...



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9 minutes ago, Blebbens said:

Or just moving /mnt/user/appdata to /mnt/cache/appdata ?

You can't move from a user share to a disk share, that can result in data loss, you can use the mover after setting the correct cache mode (prefer in this case) or move from disk share to disk share, e.g. /mnt/disk1/appdata to /mnt/cache/appdata

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Please tell me where exactly to set the cache mode to "prefer".

After this my next step would be to change the docker-path to "mnt/cache/appdata/".

Then I need to know where to find the mover and how to tell him to move "mnt/user/appdata" to "/mnt/cache/appdata".


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6 minutes ago, Blebbens said:

Please tell me where exactly to set the cache mode to "prefer".

On the main page click on Shares, then appdata, there you can select the "use cache" option, good idea to turn the help on so you understand the different behavior of each option, it should already be set to cache=prefer which is what you want.


After checking that you can run the mover, first disable the docker service (settings -> docker), all dockers will be stopped, then run the mover, that's on the main page below the start/stop array buttons, after it's done check that appdata only exists on cache now, you can also check that on the shares page by clicking on "compute" size on the appdate share (note that any existing files with the same name on cache would prevent the others being moved).



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