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Very slow parity copy on parity swap

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I am trying to use the parity swap procedure to upgrade my parity disk from a 2TB WD Green (5400RPM) to a 4TB WD Blue (WD40EZRZ, 5400RPM, CMR). Using the old 2TB drive to replace a data disk with SMART errors.


This is on an N54L microserver with the AMD Turion II Neo Dual Core @2.2Ghz. Unraid was just upgraded to 6.8.3 from 6.1 prior to starting the swap.


I started the array copy yesterday but it has only done 17% in 26 Hours.  CPU usage bar sitting around 60% with one core sitting near 90%.


Is this expected? I know this isn't the fastest hardware, but surely it shouldn't take a week to copy 2TB?


Is there any way to do this faster? If it is a CPU issue can I take the drives out and do the copy (e.g. with dd) on my desktop?


Thanks in advance!

Edited by jacksonliam
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4 minutes ago, trurl said:

Nothing obvious there and nothing in syslog really after parity copy begins.


Can you tell us more about the hardware?

Thanks for looking!


Not much more to add than its:

N54L HP Microserver

AMD Turion II Neo Dual Core @2.2Ghz

8GB RAM (RAM usage around 13%).


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1 hour ago, johnnie.black said:

Write cache is disabled for all disks, HP Microservers have a write cache setting in the BIOS that is disabled by default, enable it and try again.

Thanks, that appears to have done the trick! Now going at about 1% every 12 minutes (so should complete in 20 hours!)


Do you know if there is a risk to the whole array if I leave write cache enabled? Or would it just be a case of the files being written (e.g. currently being moved by mover) becoming corrupted in the event of power failure?

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  • 1 month later...

Hey everyone - same problem here, very slow speeds (~700 KB/s read and write) while performing the parity swap procedure.  One of my disks died (6TB) and since the replacement drive (12TB) I bought is bigger than my current parity (10TB), I made the relevant swaps / reassignments.  Everything appears to be going smoothly, except it's been almost 24 hours and it's only array copying is only 25% complete.


My diagnostics zip is attached, and I'm running all of this off a ASRock B75 Pro3-M motherboard FWIW.  Six drives (including parity) are all shucked WD 8-12TB Easy Stores, with a 500GB Samsung 850 EVO SSD cache drive (also with sub-1 MB read/write speeds currently).


Any help much appreciated!!




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I was having high CRC errors and the SMART disk warning on the "old" disk2 before it failed, which is why I just removed / replaced it.


Parity2 has been my (only) parity drive for a long time now, since the last time I upgraded my parity to a bigger size.


So yes, I'm currently doing a parity swap, following the procedure here to the letter, essentially a physical swap of the 6TB (disk2) that had failed with a new 12TB.  I unassigned the failed 6TB disk2, assigned the prior 10TB Parity2 to disk2, and assigned the new 12TB as Parity2.  I stopped the arrays, powered down, etc when needed per the procedure steps.  


I used a new SATA cable when swapping out disk2 so that shouldn't be the issue.  No errors in Main, screenshots attached.  Any thoughts?


EDIT:  and for the record, I only bothered with the 12TB / parity swap route instead of just replacing the failed drive with a 10TB was because Best Buy couldn't locate the three 10TB's they supposedly had in stock, and gave me a 12TB for the same price.  I didn't overcomplicate this intentionally.  


Speeds Main Screen Shot 2020-09-27 at 10.29.26 PM.png

Main Read:Write Screen Shot 2020-09-27 at 10.28.32 PM.png

Edited by brklynmark
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  • 2 weeks later...
10 minutes ago, trurl said:

Connection problems on new parity

What would you recommend doing? Should i leave it for another day and see how it goes?


It is a brand new drive, but i haven't run a pre-clear on it. Should i cancel the parity swap and do the pre-clear then try again?

Edited by xxbigfootxx
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Pre-clear will not help except as a confidence check that the drive is not failing.   As war raid it is most likely a connection (i.e. cabling) issue although it could also be disk controller related.


1 hour ago, xxbigfootxx said:

Should i cancel the parity swap and do the pre-clear then try again?

I would do this after checking that all the cabling (both power and SATA) looks OK.

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