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Mystery youtube-viewer dockers?

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Hmmm...so, perhaps something new going on. I noticed it within a day of it happening as well. Not sure exactly how long it'd been on there, but less than 24 hours since I had last looked at my Docker tab.


If your server wasn't exposed to the internet, I'm very curious how you got it. Might not have anything to do with the port I had open. Though, that seems to most obvious culprit for my scenario.


Someone on the facebook group I'm in posted this: https://github.com/trizen/youtube-viewer


The thought is perhaps it's someone trying to drive up views ore something. I erased it all and rebooted my server before I took the time to investigate further to try to track down where it came from and/or what it was doing.

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32 minutes ago, hgelpke said:

No, I just discovered it 10 minutes ago and a search found your post.

Did you have Plex exposed? What other rockers are y’all running?


If you post have the same docker, check the repo and version. Could be a vulnerability somewhere allowing this to happen. 

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9 minutes ago, Mattaton said:

I have linuxserver Plex docker and Krusader. Plex is autostart, but Krusader is usually not started and wasn't when this happened.

That’s all? Do you have any plugins installed? Any other devices on the network that could have been compromised and “wormed” their way to your Unraid server?

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3 minutes ago, jwblant said:

That’s all? Do you have any plugins installed? Any other devices on the network that could have been compromised and “wormed” their way to your Unraid server?

I have a handful of plugins. All fairly common/prevalent among unRAID users, I think.


I guess something else on the network could worm its way in. That's decidedly harder to determine. My son did just get his first Windows PC and had a toolbar spyware/malware within a week. I gave him "the talk." 😄 


I happen to be setting up pfsense. I might put him on his own little island. 😄 



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11 minutes ago, hgelpke said:

Son on further inspection I did have my server exposed. Cleaned out all the dockers and the network that had been created.


Wasn't a rogue docker or plugin. Simple user error that left the server compromised.

Network that had been created? Can you elaborate on that?

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