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Fix Common Problems ID's Parity Disk Error

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I've had FCP identify a problem with my primary parity drive.  Upon investigation, I don't see any errors in the SMART report (see attached).  Any ideas what FCP has identified?


parity (HGST_HUS726060ALA640_AR11021EHJAHKB) has read errors	
If the disk has not been disabled, then unRaid has successfully rewritten 
the contents of the offending sectors back to the hard drive. 
It would be a good idea to look at the S.M.A.R.T. Attributes for the drive in question
Begin Investigation Here: Parity Settings

According to the disk information in Parity Settings there are no problems (Failed = Never).

1	Raw read error rate		0x000b	100	100	016	Pre-fail 	Always		Never 	0
2	Throughput performance		0x0005	131	131	054	Pre-fail 	Offline		Never	87
3	Spin up time			0x0007	200	200	024	Pre-fail 	Always		Never 	493 (average 507)
4	Start stop count		0x0012	100	100	000	Old age 	Always 		Never 	75
5	Reallocated sector count	0x0033	100	100	005	Pre-fail 	Always		Never 	0
7	Seek error rate			0x000b	100	100	067	Pre-fail 	Always		Never 	0
8	Seek time performance		0x0005	130	130	020	Pre-fail 	Offline 	Never	12
9	Power on hours			0x0012	094	094	000	Old age		Always 		Never 	42086 (4y, 9m, 18d, 14h)
10	Spin retry count		0x0013	100	100	060	Pre-fail	Always 		Never 	0
12	Power cycle count		0x0032	100	100	000	Old age		Always		Never 	35
22	Helium level			0x0023	083	083	025	Pre-fail	Always 		Never 	83
192	Power-off retract count		0x0032	080	080	000	Old age		Always 		Never 	25085
193	Load cycle count		0x0012	080	080	000	Old age		Always 		Never 	25085
194	Temperature celsius		0x0002	176	176	000	Old age		Always 		Never 	34 (min/max 17/47)
196	Reallocated event count		0x0032	100	100	000	Old age		Always 		Never 	0
197	Current pending sector		0x0022	100	100	000	Old age		Always 		Never 	0
198	Offline uncorrectable		0x0008	100	100	000	Old age		Offline 	Never 	0
199	UDMA CRC error count		0x000a	200	200	000	Old age		Always 		Never 	0		

I've run SMART long version with nothing reported.  Thoughts?


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