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VMs missing after unraid server down for months


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I started using Unraid back in the spring and I've had the computer that I host my Unraid server on down for the last couple of months. After starting it up, I don't see my VMs listed in the VM tab anymore. Not really sure what could have happened. If I open a terminal and navigate to /mnt/user/domains I see that all of my VMs are there. 


Not sure what to do to make them appear in the VM tab again.

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Unless you have a backup of the libvirt.img file or the xml's from before, I suspect your only way forward is to redo the settings. Your domains share contains the hard drives for the VM's, so all your data is still intact, but the xml settings for the VM's live in the system share, and apparently that was created fresh recently for some reason.


Create a new VM, but in the primary vdisk, select manual, and select the vdisk.img file that you are wanting to bring back.

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