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No connection to internet


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Hello all,


Tonight I added a new NIC card to my unraid server because my onboard one was only 100mb.  The new NIC is rated gigabit speeds.  Now that I have installed it and turned on my server, it's unable to connect to the internet.  I can still connect to the the server's portal via local IP.  I'm unsure what to do.  Also, I don't think this is related but at the bottom the portal page, I see the message "Array Stopped too many devices".

I did some troubleshooting, one change I made was disabiling the onboard NIC through the BIOS.  I thought that would have helped.  I assigned a new IP address for the new NIC in case there was some conflict my router was seeing, but no luck here.


I'm unsure what else I can do now.  If anyone is interested to help look into my issue and help me get this figured out, I am appreciative.  Thanks






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Figured out my problem now.  My BIOS lost all its configurations including date/time, once I updated my server is running again.  


Interesting you asked about what license. I am currently running a trial version, but have a purchase license key which my server isn't taking.  I'm getting a downloading error, so I'm not sure what is going on as I expected that it would be a simple thing to do.






Edited by dn7172
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6 minutes ago, dn7172 said:

Interesting you asked about what license. I am currently running a trial version, but have a purchase license key which my server isn't taking.  I'm getting a downloading error, so I'm not sure what is going on as I expected that it would be a simple thing to do.

Date/time being wrong would have explained why a trial licence was not working.


I originally asked the question as the syslog showed time problems when trying to get a trial licence and also what looked like a problem trying to read a basic licence off the USB stick.     If the Basic licence is the one you purchased but have failed to (yet) download then that would explain that error.    If so the good news will be that once you get the Basic licence successfully downloaded and put on the flash drive then you will be able to bring the array online successfully regardless of whether the time is correct or there is a working internet connection..

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