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Can I split appdata on to two different drives?

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For example:





Some docker apps write to the first disk, other docker apps write to the second disk. All files should stay where they are written - mover shouldn't move anything.


What would be the setting for 'Use cache' on the system share then (yes, no, only, prefer)?


Thanks in advance.


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9 minutes ago, hawihoney said:

What would be the setting for 'Use cache' on the system share then (yes, no, only, prefer)?

Depends where you want newly created files to go. Disk1 - cache no, Cache drive - cache only.


However... it would work better if you set each container to the specific path instead of using /mnt/user. You still need to use one of the two for the system share, no or cache only to keep those files from being moved.

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I don't use user shares at all. Everything is diskx or cache.


I want to give individual dockers individual config folders located at:






This would give a user share system but I wouldn't use it at all. But I want to be sure that mover does not move these folders.


cache=no for system seems to be wrong because part of it is stored on cache. And cache=only seems to be wrong as well because part of it is stored on disk1.


Any idea?


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17 minutes ago, hawihoney said:

I don't use user shares at all. Everything is diskx or cache.


I want to give individual dockers individual config folders located at:






This would give a user share system but I wouldn't use it at all. But I want to be sure that mover does not move these folders.


cache=no for system seems to be wrong because part of it is stored on cache. And cache=only seems to be wrong as well because part of it is stored on disk1.


Any idea?


By using explicit paths to physical drives you are by-passing the User Share level.   if you are not using User Shares and they are disabled in Settings -> Global ShareSettings then mover would not do anything regardless.     However if you DO have User Shares enabled then you will need to have Use Cache set to No or Only to stop mover doing anything for what appears to be a User Share (all top level folders are treated as potential User Shares).

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