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Is beta .35 "safe"


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On 11/13/2020 at 2:22 PM, rachid596 said:

I updated to 35. All my vms and docker works.
I installed nvidia driver and works great.

Envoyé de mon HD1913 en utilisant Tapatalk

What is your hardware platform?  I am running on 10th gen intel you feel good suggesting it to me?

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Seems good after 8 hours of use.

The dashboard has 1 minor bug. It's been reported and it's usable.

Setting up nVidia drivers was nice and simple (i was nervous but it worked out fine)


You just update then after reboot go to community apps and download nVidia Driver  (by ich777)

The package won't show up until you've updated to beta 35 (or higher)

Then you can remove the old Unraid-nVidia package and raise a drink to @linuxserver.io for every thing he did for all that time ;)


It feels good to be all official and supported.


(stable with my TR4 2990WX with gt710 + Quadrop2000 for docker, 1 vm with a 1050ti, m.2 and 3 usb3.0 controllers and 1 vm with no hardware) 

(official Plex, Emby, jlesage's Handbrake, Resilio {both versions} all working well)


Apart from the dashboard issue (the vm and docker section are broken but if you go to there individual tabs they are fine so it's not a problem for me......

Anyway apart from that I'd recommend it if your already running a beta but if your on stable and you have no issues then as ever beta is beta and stable is always what's advised.


Edited by mdrodge
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