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Everything posted by Squid

  1. First thing I would do is run a MemTest from the boot menu for at least a couple of passes. If it doesn't start up, then manually select the boot device when booting to the NON-UEFI (ie: legacy or no tag) on the flash drive.
  2. Keep us posted. Personally, I'd love to switch back to nzbGet
  3. I'll save you the time. Don't bother. Both are affected. But it is my belief that this is something related to specific nzbs as some work fine no problems, but my experience showed that the same nzb would fail consistently. I tried going back a couple of versions on lsio to no avail before I tried binhex, and then just switched to sab.
  4. Hard to say. Take a pic next time it freezes. Something of interest may be there.
  5. Does anything appear on the locally attached monitor when this happens?
  6. And the script HAS to be stored on the array or an unassigned device.
  7. Thank you very much. Always appreciated
  8. My 2 cents without getting involved in any actual problems. (ie: I'm just talking for the sake of talking). Enterprise hardware isn't particularly designed (and most likely is never tested) to support sleep. Very, very few enterprise systems ever sleep. 25:00.0 Serial Attached SCSI controller [0107]: Adaptec PMC-Sierra PM8001 SAS HBA [Series 6H] [9005:8081] (rev 05) Subsystem: Adaptec PMC-Sierra PM8001 SAS HBA [Series 6H] [9005:0800] Kernel driver in use: pm80xx Kernel modules: pm80xx
  9. Firstly, you comment isn't particularly helpful, especially after the comment immediately before yours. Secondly, many reasons for this, and one reason (not spinning down disks) is itemized here.
  10. It'll probably create it itself if you just type it in. But creating it yourself won't hurt.
  11. https://forum.nzbget.net/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=3690
  12. in Sab's UI, you've got the downloads going to Downloads/complete (There is a line there stating that the default base forlder is /config) You need to set it to /data/Downloads/complete. After that change, everything will work correctly. However I cannot remember if files existing in your queue will pick up the change
  13. DO NOT DO THIS It 100% does. However, you have to remember that actual drive failures are extremely rare and the most common cause of "failures" is that the drive dropped offline (usually due to cabling issues). Now, if we assume that something else happened like hard reboot and this happened in the middle of a write operation, then it is possible for the information that is contained within parity (or the other drives) is out of sync and resulting in the Unmountable Disk 2. I'd actually take a wild guess that the Unmountable Disk 2 came up while the original drive was still present in the system. You need to post your diagnostics.
  14. This implies that you need to set either the gateway in Settings - Network to your router, or Static DNS addresses ( / or you've got a typo in there somewhere
  15. post the FULL error. It'll have the path listed that it's talking about
  16. The simple fact that everything just plain stopped. I found restarts (manually done) didn't always work, and more or less narrowed it down to specific nzb files that were screwing it up (but it was a very common issue). Just threw up my hands, took the plunge backwards and haven't looked back again.
  17. I switched to back to SAB about 1 month ago as it was too annoying because of this. Hate it, but I'd rather have something that actually works properly
  18. You would have to use the appropriate command line too stop / start the VM within a custom start / stop script.
  19. Try clearing your browser history. I also had a problem (not quite the same) and it fixed it for me.
  20. Hit the dropdown within the plugin's settings.
  21. If the folder(s) were being created by say Sonarr, then you've got to adjust it's permissions within it's settings. But, Tools - New Permissions will probably fix you up when run against the TV share
  22. Have you made any manual adjustments to the xml config file? Delete the contents of the appdata for f@h
  23. So while F@H will outright prioritize covid-19 work units (when they are available - they get snatched up pretty fast), boinc (rosetta@home) does not outright prioritize those covid projects. Rather, it appears that any covid related projects wind up getting submitted via robetta@home. Your server may (will) also work on other project which may or may not be related. Although all of the projects in rosetta are probably of vital importance, if you do wish to prioritize the covid ones, you can go to advanced view, then tasks, and you can suspend tasks that are not given out from robetta. While this still isn't a guarantee that you'll be getting something directly related to covid, at least you can reasonably guess that you're not going to be doing the math for someone who is researching foot fungus. https://boinc.bakerlab.org/rosetta/forum_thread.php?id=13554&postid=91904#91904 That being said, I'm sure that ALL protein research could quite possibly be of use (if only in tertiary means) for covid research. Myself, I'm running both F@H and boinc simultaneously. It should also be mentioned that boinc and F@H are NOT competitors, but rather complimentary and each is researching a different thing. As I understand it, F@H researches the mechanism of how the proteins fold, whereas boinc researches the final result after folding. Both researches are necessary in order to completely understand the mechanism behind nCovid-19 and an eventual cure / vaccine. Unfortunately while F@H will automatically prioritize, boinc requires you to manually do it.
  24. Your cache floor is set to 384GB. This means that any writes to a cache only share (downloads share?) will fail if there is less than 384GB available on the cache drive (which there is) Adjust it accordingly. Usually, probably 10-20GB would be sufficient
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