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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Its because of the inability to reach the internet. One change in 6.8 was how docker icons are handled, and it necessitates that it redownload them, and its failing. Until it does manage that, you will see that issue (unless it's a real issue and I can supply a couple commands to fix it) On the issue of not reaching the internet, because of all the bonding etc I'm not particularly able to help.
  2. If you don't have under notification settings for it to send an email for Warnings, then you won't get the email.
  3. Put it this way. If someone told me that either you publish your own container or die, the wife would be trying to forge my signature on a will
  4. You effectively have to publish onto dockerHub. Otherwise you're going to be stuck using docker build commands locally and managing via the command line.
  5. Because of some confusion and the possibility of personal opinions / prejudice affecting things, going forward the "thumbs up" (recommended icon) will only appear on application cards where it is either the recommendation of the application developer themselves to use the particular container that the template is using (eg: Radarr), or if they themselves are maintaining the applicable container (not necessarily the template) eg: MySQL In terms of plugins, this means that NO plugins will have the thumbs up unless they are explicitly endorsed by limetech (Dynamix Password Checker, Dynamix WireGuard), or have the implied endorsement (Unassigned Devices). This change has already been made on the apps, but since it is nearly impossible to research each and every application, it is quite possible for me to have missed setting something for the thumbs up. If as a template maintainer you feel I should have set something to have the thumbs up, send me a Private Message with an applicable link to where the developer of the app is recommending your container. In no way shape or form does this mean that you should not install any of the other containers. This change may also be at odds with what is the "prevailing wisdom" on the threads here. EG: Plex recommends explicitly to install their official container. The prevailing wisdom on these forums is to install either the Binhex or LSIO containers. The presence of a thumbs up also does not imply that the template is the "best". There will be cases where it is advisable to not install the recommended version because others are "better" (eg: Emby if you want to use hardware transcoding you would want to install the LSIO version) While this change may be disappointing to some of the prolific template authors here, it is really the only fair way to handle things.
  6. If you want to use the nvidia passthrough, you want to use the linuxserver containers
  7. Within the /config/ssh folder on the flash drive, are the file(s) zero byte in length
  8. Dud you install one of the ssh plugins by chance?
  9. Odds on the official one which means this is the correct link https://forums.plex.tv/
  10. Forgot to post about this. @hugenbdd has taken over maintenance of this plugin, with some nice new features. However, in order to switch to this new version, you do have to uninstall this app, and then reinstall from CA. (Because of the differing installation URLs, an update will not appear while still on the original)
  11. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/86028-unraid-os-version-68-available/
  12. Didn't think that it allowed outside clicks (I'll change that)
  13. @SpaceInvaderOne "TemplatePath": "/tmp/appFeed/templates/SpaceInvaderOnesRepository/spaceinvaderone/macinabox.xml", "errors": [ "XML declaration allowed only at the start of the document" ],
  14. Try a different browser
  15. The way i read all those screenshot is that vt-d is not enabled. Only vt-Xml
  16. New behaviour where if unRaid can't determine if an update is available (in your case because it isn't hosted on dockerHub), then it acts the way that you're seeing.
  17. If the system is beeping, then you've got a hardware issue. Since it sounds like its beeping like crazy after the boot up, I'd say CPU fan isn't running.
  18. Post your diagnostics and one of the applicable xml files from /config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user on the flash drive.
  19. key: PUSHBULLET_ACCESS_TOKEN value: o.l8VuizWhXgbERf2Q78ghtzb1LDCYvbSD Name is the "human" description
  20. Don't run that tool against all the drives or all the shares. If it touches the appdata share, funky things may happen with your docker apps. Hence why there's a docker safe new permissions tool right there also. It will not allow you to run against appdata
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