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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Do you have a root password set
  2. Diagnostics might tell why. Just tried it and it installs for me
  3. Because VMs are enabled, which means that libvirt.img is in use, and mover cannot move any file which is in use.
  4. Shipped from China Cost ~$20US No S/N present Continually crashed my system Listing was closed as soon as I complained, and then reopened. It's basically the first one that's the dead giveaway. The second is also close, but no guarantee. I've also bought a 9211-16E from an ebay store in Florida for $25 which is 100% legit according to broadcom. While its not the greatest thing to say, I assume that anything I purchase that's shipped from China is either garbage or counterfeit. I will however take the odd chance here and there and buy components to keep as emergency spares.
  5. Don't need the table. But do insist on this...
  6. I thing I noticed about eBay listings is that after I bought a card which I was fairly positive was counterfeit prior to purchasing, but took a shot at the price that it would work is that the minute I listed poor feedback on the item, they immediately closed that particular listing and reopened it again so that the feedback I left wouldn't appear.
  7. No. That's done by the webUI....
  8. Doubt that. What it'll be is that @dlandon is loading CSS for whatever theme is selected, but doesn't have a fall back if the CSS file doesn't exist. Can't really blame him as everyone only supports whatever comes with the stock OS (although CA does have a fall back and a hook for custom themes to override any CSS present in CA)
  9. Post a new set of diagnostics. Heading to sleep right now though
  10. Looks like you've unplugged your network cabling from the server or the switch or the switch is turned off
  11. Install the Krusader docker app and transfer via it. Or use midnight commander (mc) via the command prompt.
  12. Memtest won't boot via UEFI boot mode. You have to change the BIOS / boot order to boot via Legacy / normal from the USB for memtest to work.
  13. Since you probably don't want unRaid to clear the disks, you would issue a New Config and reassign everything accordingly. That being said, SSD's aren't particularly recommended in the array as you won't be able to trim them and the write speed would then be limited to the speed of the parity drive Small HDDs would be OK, but if it's old / borderline, then it will impact the ability to rebuild any other drive since a rebuild requires all other drives to be fully functional. Personally, for downloads I wouldn't care about them being in the array or not. If the drive dies, then just redownload it again. For appdata, either create a cache pool with multiple matching SSDs for redundancy, or back up the data on a schedule (appdata backup plugin)
  14. No. You just lost all access to the nVidia driver.
  15. The driver is intimately tied to the OS. Yes No
  16. unRaid is NOT ZFS, which has a recommendation of 1GB memory per 1TB of storage (never could quite understand why a filesystem doing nothing else than being a filesystem has such ignorant recommendations). As a pure NAS, you can quite easily run 200TB+ all parity protected with only 2GB of memory. unRaid's memory requirements are more or less based upon the applications that you're going to be running on it, in particular VMs.
  17. Wait for the plugin to be updated then update via the plugin. Nothing else needs to be done
  18. You can't update unRaid versions until such point as lsio releases an update to the plugin. (Don't use this plugin, so IDK if this has already happened or not yet). IE: Once you're using unRaid nVidia or unRaid DVB, then you will remain using them and never upgrade the OS through "normal" means
  19. Since this is all related to UD mounted volumes, you guys are best posting within the UD support thread.
  20. You've logged out from a different browser tab and/or rebooted your server and left a browser open to CA and then attempting to browse within it. And there's nothing I can do about the response. That response is what is always returned by unRaid under those circumstances.
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