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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Usually, the case of the flash drive is dropping is one of the below Corrupted flash drive. Rebooting unRaid *should* fix it up or alternatively putting it into another computer and letting the filesystem checks run on it Flash in a USB3 port. USB2 ports are more reliable Flash is a USB3 device. USB2 devices are far more reliable Not seated quite right in the port / slight corrosion on contacts etc Cats / small children / wives.
  2. You'd need to post the diagnostics
  3. Yeah, right now your usage is ~20 odd Gig, excluding icons, various support files and what not. There's nothing extravagant in a container storing excess data into the image. Based on the number of containers, the log for cabackup is also probably huge (but I'd be hard pressed to see it more than a gig or so) which is also stored within the image (simply because there's no other real place to store it) I would just delete and recreate the image then monitor the situation. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-docker-faq/#comment-564309
  4. You need to post your diagnostics to put it into context
  5. Post a screenshot of the Container Size popup.
  6. You should enable the syslog server mirroring to the flash drive temporarily, and then post the resulting syslog and diagnostics after the next reboot. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/46802-faq-for-unraid-v6/page/2/?tab=comments#comment-781601
  7. IMO, the problem with Windows shutdown, whether initiated by the user directly or via any program is that there's tons of reasons why Windows won't shutdown (Open Dialog Boxes, etc) and just sit there waiting for user input. Hibernation has no such problems, and is faster than a shutdown.
  8. You're best off posting in the applicable support thread for NerdPack Upgrade to 6.8.2
  9. Wouldn't the simple solution have been to within VM Settings, set unRaid to hibernate the host upon host shutdown and then install the Virtio Client tools within the VM that are on the virtiso disk?
  10. Rescan in FCP. It'll either disappear or you'll have to hit apply fix one more time
  11. Not particularly IMO. The memory chips themselves are banged out by the millions for all the stick manufacturers, and each contains a few million transistors and it only takes one to be borderline. So far as the BIOS settings, overclocking (XMP / AMP profiles) only serve to make things worse.
  12. It's normal for bad memory to do this. Good memory will not Memtest won't find any errors, because they are being corrected for the time being.
  13. Yes And, FWIW the entry if you install it today from CA is https://[IP]:[PORT:443]/
  14. No Referrals An extremely simple plugin that will block the referral header from being sent if you click on any link to an outside website from within unRaid's GUI. ie: the 3rd Party website will not know your server's URL address. Minimum version required to run is 6.7.0, and that's only because for something that's this simple, it's way too much work for me to support the different icon scheme on the older unRaid versions.
  15. If this is a bug related to unRaid, and not the template itself, you need to also post the applicable xml file from /config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user with it set up so that it acts the way as described in the OP.
  16. Not going to argue with the basic points, but dockerMan will let you configure everything possible. The extra parameters section on the template.
  17. Can't replicate. If/when you manage to get that same error again, from the terminal enter this in cp /tmp/community.applications/tempFiles/displayed.json /boot and then post the displayed.json file on the flash drive here with what app you're trying to reinstall as default.
  18. And are you trying to do this from the pop up or right from the card?
  19. Let's look at this a different way. What browser, and what version of unRaid?
  20. You should probably post the docker run command https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-docker-faq/#comment-564345
  21. OK, looks like it's fixed where activity streams now work. But, unread isn't working properly considering that I didn't read anything for the last four hours and there's a huge dead zone there. Not impossible, but unlikely I would think. @SpencerJ @limetech EDIT: Definitely not working correctly as you can see from the screen shot of the Docker Containers Forum
  22. But no blankets. How can some one possibly work for a company where you're expected to be productive once in a while. Just seems wrong to me. And they obviously don't know how to take care of a Maple tree since There's no wood, only leaves The leaves are already dead And their room decor matches that of airports, namely showing the heating & plumbing so that visitors know that it's (presumably) functional and hiding the Gates and washrooms under the assumption that they (presumably) are not...
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