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Everything posted by Squid

  1. It's definitely the colon in the share name. Did you create this share yourself?
  2. You'd have to post your diagnostics to put everything in context, but it appears at first glance that you've got a share named sthttp: The colon is an invalid character and should be removed.
  3. It's actually correct what you're seeing. What you want to select is Tunnel WG0 to get to where you want to be.
  4. Your script (you can find it within /config/plugins/user.scripts/scripts never exited. Edit it ir delete it. For some reason they're not being run in the background like they're supposed to
  5. Except for user scripts if something is set to run at array start
  6. Looks like you just have to disable mover logging (Settings - Scheduler, Mover Setting)... It shouldn't be enabled anyways unless troubleshooting
  7. While that is the easy path mapping to make, it's not what I would call best practice from a security point of view. Plex really doesn't need access to your banking info, or your documents, or those "special" pictures everyone hides from their wife.
  8. Did you happen to add in cpu pinning already via the extra parameters of the template?
  9. @johnnie.black Re: Should we add on to this stating that XMP/AMP is a form of overclocking (defaulted by many motherboards)? Or generalize it for all motherboards?
  10. That's one way to force my hand lol....
  11. After you install it stop it then enter the terminal and enter in those commands
  12. There's some options within the tips & tweaks plugin that should help out with that
  13. That actually is on the todo list... Supporting most of the built-in events, rather than just disks_mounted Pretty painless for me to add to it. Of course, that brings up some caveats for the users as it's a pain to understand the subtleties between some of them. Maybe I'd just have certain of the events listed as "recommended". Having something run 5 minutes after array start I just don't foresee happening anytime soon. The sleep is the way to do it. Of course it does appear that there's an issue with scripts running at array start hanging the system, so I've got to figure that out over the next few days....
  14. If you're going to add --configure anywhere, then it would be under Post Arguments, not extra parameters (extra parameters are for extra parameters to the docker run command itself)
  15. And can you connect via another computer to the GUI? Not particularly recommended to do this BTW
  16. The easiest solution is to simply assign the server a static ip and reference the containers via 10.x.x.x:port How often do you move the server that it wouldnt get the same IP?
  17. The reason why is because the script never ends. I'm going to have to look at the code again as scripts started with the arry are not supposed to hang the system until they complete Your easiest way to get it to start is to rename the file script within the appropriate folder on the flash drive /config/plugins/user.scripts/scripts
  18. Odds on you've got a docker app referencing /mnt/user/Media in it's path mappings on the template
  19. Not the answer I was expecting, but still explains things Deleting that file *should* get you going, but I'd expect that you've also got some corruption on the flash drive somehow. Pull the stick and toss it into another computer and run the file system checks on it, or reformat and recreate it (copy from /config the trial.key file and save somewhere safe)
  20. Post the file (do not post the contents) /config/plugins/dynamix/dynamix.cfg on the flash drive.
  21. You want to enable reinstall defaults from CA settings to do this. Then an extra icon will appear on every installed app that will accomplish this.
  22. I dont know. You should post the zip
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