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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Caveat: You're running windows, and there's a million reasons why Windows won't shutdown (open dialog window or a document needs to be saved), or will automatically install updates when shutting down. And then unRaid will basically yank the power from the VM if it excedes it's timer to shutdown (I believe the default it allows a VM to shutdown gracefully is 60seconds) Easier solution is to forget about installing apcupsd on the VM, and rather install the VM client tools that's on the virtio iso, and then set unRaid to hibernate the VMs when it shuts itself down.
  2. All in all it is easier to simply use the video card's sound or pick up a USB sound card. Devices that are built-in to the CPU are a pain to passthrough at the best of times (They aren't built the same way as a dedicated card), and it's very highly dependent upon the cpu and the motherboard.
  3. There's other devices within the IOMMU group that also need to be passed through. Since the other devices are probably system devices that most likely will cause severe issues if passed through, you can try one of the ACS override settings in Settings - VM settings to see if your motherboard / chipset will allow the sound to be placed into its own IOMMU group.
  4. I just switched one of my containers from host to a static IP on br0 and the webUI still worked and was populated properly. Probably would be worthwhile to post an applicable xml from /config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user
  5. Can't you just enable destructive mode in UD's settings and then format it via the plugin?
  6. Didn't think so. No dangling images present. Just increase the image and be done with it.
  7. Doubt it, but see if this command returns anything but an error docker rmi $(docker images --quiet --filter "dangling=true")
  8. The system (and the docker API) is designed around using docker hub and not any other particular registry.
  9. The <Config> elements are the v2 version of the schema. The <Environment> section and things line <Volume> and <Publish> sections are the v1 version of the schema (and are basically a duplicate of the v2 version minus the attributes it doesn't support) It's still included for backwards compatibility with unRaid v6.0->6.1 (v2 elements take precedence over v1) At the end of the day though, there's zero reason to ever have to manually edit the xml files except to add in any specific CA tags that aren't commonly used enough to be included in the GUI. (And don't get me going on <Description> vs <Overview>)
  10. @itimpi and myself ( @Squid ) are giving two possible solutions. Either via pinning cores or dynamically via cpu-shares. They are not the same solution.
  11. Not exactly. You wanted to limit CPU resources of SAB when other docker apps want / need them. That setting sets Sab to be the absolute lowest priority of any given docker container. Such that every container has priority over it (default cpu shares setting is 1024) Sab can still use all the cores, but it runs at such a low priority when say Plex requires them that it shouldn't make a huge dent.
  12. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-docker-faq/page/2/?tab=comments#comment-566087
  13. Sorry. It's what hapens when you do a path off the top of your head. /usr/local/sbin/mover
  14. I have a pair of RSV-L4411's, and I assume that not much has changed. After inserting any given drive, give it an extra very snug push. On a rare occasion, I also find that one particular drive just seems to hate being in one particular slot and gives CRC errors. Relocate. Actual drive failures are rare. A lot of time its related to CRC errors and crappy cables / them not being seated 100% correctly. That and and in cases like this with tons of cabling, the urge is to tie up wires. Never do it. Let them sit randomly. Removes any chance of cross talk. You can tie up the power cabling to the bays, but in this case, make sure that they only cross the sata cables at 90 degress
  15. Treat them as a starting point. I don't use it... But it is somewhat based off of what the hotplug plugin does
  16. You should post your diagnostics
  17. You can get to the applicable support thread for any given app by hitting the icon for the app and choosing "Support" That image you're using is deprecated and not supported. Highly recommended to watch this video
  18. So basically, nothing's changed. It was probably docker spamming up the log once whatever happened with the image took place. Personally though, I'd increase the image size to 25 or 30G just for some extra breathing room.
  19. Ultimately, this is a network configuration error. Either a mistyped DNS address, or a typo in the gateway entry. Diagnostics would tell the story. And it's a generic error, not a CA specific one
  20. That sata card you posted is a IO Crest SI-PEX40097 Couple of problems #1 - Its a PCIe2.0 x2 card. You will most likely run into bandwidth issues with it during parity checks / rebuilds etc when it starts getting full of drives #2 - Its a Marvel based controller. These are problematic at the best of times, and aren't particularly recommended. You're always better off with an LSI based card #3 - The Marvel 9215 only supports 4 sata ports. I'd surmise that the board also has 4 port expanders on it, so you're into a double whammy on bandwidth and reliability / compatibility #4 - I wouldn't particularly consider IO Crest to be anything but a bottom of the line manufacturer. Even if everything else above wasn't a factor, their products would still be considered very low end Don't cheap out on this. You're only going to wind up having to buy a real card soon after buying this one.
  21. No. But, you can have a play with either of these two scripts https://forums.unraid.net/topic/48707-additional-scripts-for-userscripts-plugin/page/4/#comment-532119 https://forums.unraid.net/topic/48707-additional-scripts-for-userscripts-plugin/page/9/?tab=comments#comment-697568
  22. client:, Feb 21 15:06:27 Tower webGUI: Successful login user root from host: "" What system is sitting at Your server is .5 You logged in from .11 You've got a page sitting open to the GUI at .5
  23. rtorrent is using 84.6% of your available memory right now You can limit any given application via https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-docker-faq/page/2/#comment-566088
  24. Have you run a memtest recently?
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