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Everything posted by Squid

  1. What happens if you boot into the "normal" mode?
  2. Look here: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/46802-faq-for-unraid-v6/page/2/?tab=comments#comment-819173 Specifically the Typical Idle Power setting, and to not overclock your RAM (and XMP/AMP memory profile is overclocking)
  3. The username you want to use is "root". If you haven't set a password for it, then just press enter on the password line. The credentials used for the forum have nothing to do with the credentials used for the server
  4. First thing is to make sure your date & time on the server (Settings - Date) isn't out to lunch
  5. Due to various problems with people cutting and pasting from the forum, all characters except for ASCII are stripped from the scripts automatically. You're best saving your script elsewhere and use user.scripts to create a script to call the real one.
  6. Now that there's more info, this is cron attempting to email because the cronjob failed (mover returned error 1) Mover even if all shares are disabled to move always runs (but, there has to be some share that is eligible to move, otherwise it wouldn't be attempting and failing). Either way, have you remove all email addresses in the smpt settings if you don't want to use it. Otherwise, you need to set up gmail to accept connections from less secure clients (or whatever it's called in gmail settings)
  7. Or if you hit Clear Statistics on the Main tab
  8. Is there a button to display the smart report / attributes somewhere maybe click on the disk?
  9. display the smart report. Dont use UD for disks, so not sure if there's a button for that or not.
  10. If no shares are set to be able to move to or from the cache drive, then effectively it is disabled. But, the mover tuning plugin does have an option to be able to explicitly disable mover from ever running, regardless of the share settings.
  11. Like @limetech says, once logged into the webUI anyone can do pretty much anything, but if you really want to remove that button, rm /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/TerminalButton.page Will accomplish this if set via a user script to run at Array Start (1st Boot Only) But, you may be better off renaming it as there may come a time when you need to get in via the webGUI to the terminal.
  12. Enter it in by itself at the command prompt and you'll see all the options. You'll either want the type to be normal or warning
  13. Use the notify command built in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/scripts/notify
  14. No it's not. This is a snip from a completely default install of traccar -p '5000-5150:5000-5150/tcp' -p '5000-5150:5000-5150/udp' Your output is -p '5030:5000-5150/tcp' -p '5030:5000-5150/udp' Default maps 5000-5150 to 5000-5150 You're trying to map 5030 to 5000-5150 (a single port to a range of ports) You did this when you If you only need the one port (5030), then you will also have to change the container mapping (which may require you to delete that mapping and add another one) to only reference a single port instead of the range.
  15. Post your diagnostics before you reboot. This isn't a CA problem. 🙂 While I could replicate the identical error you saw, I did it by forcing the system (I deleted the referenced file docker.cfg) However, after my wee further investigation, the rest of the docker system (ie: Settings - Docker to simply re-enable the service and have it create the file) went haywire. This file *always* exists on the flash drive regardless if docker has ever been enabled or not. (A reboot recreates it) What I'm surmising is that you updated CA, and then right after that your flash drive had problems (probably "bread" errors in the syslog). At that point, everything in the GUI would pretty much get messed up one way or another.
  16. That's happening then because the trim command running on a cron job is returning an error when it tries to trim your cache drive because of the critical target errors. What it's trying to do is email "root". Is there anything listed within the email addresses / etc on the scheduler?
  17. Not 100% sure if MON, TUE etc works within unRaid. Safest to use the numerals
  18. You never need to do this. In the case of a failed install, just go to Apps, Previous apps and it'll be there
  19. Click on the disk from Main and change the spin down delay to never
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