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Everything posted by Squid

  1. You're trying to assign a range of ports to a single port. Map each individually. And it's also complaining that you're attempting to map a file instead of a path (traccar.xml)
  2. I'll look at this tonight, but is docker enabled in settings - docker?
  3. Try plugging the ethernet cble into the other port
  4. So do it again, with another screen shot and your diagnostics
  5. Your temporary downloads folder within sab is /mnt/user/downloads. But the container path that you've passed through is /mnt/usr/downloads Since those 2 don't match, all of your temporary downloads are being saved within the image. The container size dialog isn't really showing anything because odds on at the time you grabbed a screen shot the download had been moved from within the image to its final resting place.
  6. Can you post a screen shot of the popup that happens when you hit update
  7. Very hard to say. About the only thing I can suggest is that if this becomes a recurring issue to enable the mirror to flash drive of the syslog feature. If it's just a one-off then I wouldn't right now do anything, as mirroring will cause problems if used for very extended periods of time (unless dynamix chose to grab diagnotics from when you rebooted (logs folder on the flash drive)
  8. If the drive is dedicated just for the VM, then yeah that would make more sense to me.
  9. Have you googled it yet? https://community.spiceworks.com/topic/2134045-how-to-wipe-an-ssd-with-a-password is one starting point
  10. Switch where it says Upon Host Shutdown to be Hibernate, and on the VFIO ISO disk that appears in Windows you need to install the Client Tools.
  11. You had disk one assigned as ...7JW You've now assigned ...V3N as disk one. The error is correct and proper Do you have multiple drives? Do you know what was assigned where?
  12. Not relevant to the size of the vdisk unless you do this Since that disk is 100% full, basically you either need to do the above which keeps the vdisk the same size as what windows reports is used, or shrink the vdisk. Basically by default, the vdisk no matter what you do will always expand to the size you've set for it. IE: say from a fresh install of Windows and a new vdisk Windows says that 1TB is used. the vdisk size on the hard drive will also be 1TB Now copy 1 TB of files to the VM. Windows will say that the used space is 2TB, and the vdisk will also be 2TB. Delete those 2TB of files, windows will report 1TB used, but the vdisk is still 2TB Copy over another 1TB of files and windows says 2TB used, but the vdisk now takes up 3TB and so on until the vdisk takes up the maximum size you've specified or you run out of space on the drive storing it (which is what's happened here due to overhead etc) Oh yeah, that drive that you think is 10TB isn't. It's only an 8TB (7.7TB after formatting)
  13. Outside of my expertise, but this appears to be relevent: https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1589930
  14. Are you trying to do what I'm suggesting, because you keep quoting me, but your posting implies that you're attempting to work with @jonathanm Very confusing on my part For the immediate question, have you clicked the link there yet? It'll take you directly to where you need to be. If you're attempting to do what I'm suggesting, then you've completely missed the point of what I'm suggesting. If you're attempting to do what @jonathanm is suggesting, then stop quoting me...
  15. https://www.asus.com/ca-en/Motherboards/ROG-STRIX-B450-F-GAMING/HelpDesk_QVL/ Pretty much every motherboard available has such a list published, (and if they don't I'd never buy the board). Memory is not memory is not memory.
  16. You sure about that? Run an extended smart test on it Happens during initialization and not a worry.
  17. Just go to the plugin and select the appropriate version of unRaid nVidia from the dropdown.
  18. 6.8.2 is current But definitely read this thread Although you won't be able to install Fix Common Problems as it's not compatible < 6.7 anymore
  19. Also, highly recommended to upgrade your OS and probably your plugins are all out of date too.
  20. Since you quoted me, if you hibernate shutdown time isnt a problem
  21. While it may not actually be definitive, a very similar model of memory (F4-3000C16D-16GTZR - you're running F4-3000C16-16GISB) and is on the motherboard's QVL list as not being compatible when using 4 sticks with a 1st gen Ryzen. Only 1 or 2
  22. Short answer is no Longer answer is maybe, but probably no depending upon your hardware, the file system, partitioning scheme etc and in the long run probably not worth the aggravation
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