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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Here's the history of that particular error. During the private beta release of 6.6, bonienl pointed out that CA itself was popping up with that error on installation. Some testing, and a minor modification was made to CA's .plg file to avoid that. A week or so ago, I implemented that change in every single one of my plugins. Just to point out that if the error is being caused by user.scripts, then it it a harmless display error. On my system it does appear that user scripts is causing it. However, this is a real major pain to debug, as I have to run my unRaid in GUI mode. In order to see the error, I have to reset everything to run in normal mode, which takes down my day-to-day system. Doing a manual plugin install from the command prompt does not display the error. The plugin works no problems, even with the error. In order to test / fix everything I have to continually reboot the system to try and figure out where it's coming from, and then to test any changes to suppress it. This does not make for a very happy family. IF it is user scripts (and depending upon which post you read it may or may not be), then it will eventually get fixed. But, bear in mind that it is a harmless display error as user scripts is functioning fine, and because of that the priority to fix it is not at the top of my list (mainly due to #4)
  2. Looking for someone who runs safari to test out something for the next version of CA. PM me Sent from my SM-A530W using Tapatalk
  3. Depending upon your point of view, its either an issue or its not. Personally, I don't specify any disk for any particular share, and let the files go wherever they choose. In your case, Time Machine has files on disk 4 and on other disks. All the message means is that (presumably) disk 4 is no longer listed within the share's settings, but older files already exist on it. Reading from that share is no problem. IE: The message is informative only. Its only a real issue if for whatever reason you absolutely only want the files to be present on certain disks. And there, its a "user's" issue, not an unRaid issue, as reads will pick up all the files wherever they are, and writes will only go to the drives you've specified.
  4. Squid

    A proper login page

    I've got no problems with Chrome doing that. And without a PW manager. My phone never prompts me for a password (using Chrome) Of course, I am logged into Chrome on both the phone and desktop. So from my point of view, I could also never understand why this req needed to be a thing..
  5. Plugins - check for updates install the update for fix common problems Sent from my SM-A530W using Tapatalk
  6. Don't do that. I suggested against the particular share. Docker applications (appdata share usually) have their own specific ownership / permission requirements, and Tools - New Permissions against all shares may (or may not) impact the ability of the particular app to properly function. YMMV Is this a "normal" share you're having problems with, or something within appdata etc?
  7. Not a python guy. But, you *should* be able to simply have your script prefaced with #!/usr/bin/python and make sure that its executable chmod +x /path/to/file and it should work from the command prompt. Barring that, I would think that python /path/to/file would work also. AFAIK python is included in unRaid User scripts is a plugin that will allow you to execute any script on a schedule you choose (available within apps)
  8. You could always just run the script (start it via user scripts as an example) #!/usr/bin/python . . .
  9. Now that everything is all back to normal, and I've got a couple of minutes, here's the low-down on the 21st's update Legacy mode was always only in there is a backup for the circumstance of if the primary application feed went down (since I was not in control of the feed). Due to the nature of the replacement appfeed system, if it goes down then Legacy mode will not work either. Hence the code was pointless. Now the vast majority of checks, fixes etc are performed by the application feed itself instead of by CA. Net result is that CA now only downloads a single processed file resulting in lower bandwidth and faster initialization. Previously, CA sent through to dockerMan when installing a template a watered down Overview that wouldn't have had any formatting etc within it. Now, CA sends through the unaltered overview for the user to see when installing a template. Note that the appfeed still applies certain checks to the unaltered overview, and malicious code results in automatic blacklisting. Hopefully these changes solve the weird case that pops up occasionally of where during an update the apps tab disappears completely. Now, whether or not you have unRaid checking for plugins, or on whatever frequency you may run it, CA will always let you know if it is out of date. This is grabbed straight from the appfeed itself, so you may see that CA knows that an update is available but the plugins tab shows that there is no update available (trust me: CA is right ) As usual, you can install the update for CA either directly from CA or the plugins tab (after checking for updates).
  10. It doesn't Sent from my SM-A530W using Tapatalk
  11. Up for me now... But GitHub's status still states that it'll be hit or miss
  12. Try running Tools - New Permissions against the particular share. If in doubt about what you're doing, then run Tools - Docker Safe New Permissions if you have Fix Common Problems installed
  13. Git works. Its GitHub.com (the front end) that's failing at the moment. Once the posting states service back to normal I'll figure out what I need to do, if anything.
  14. From GitHub's Status: Net result is that CA is currently down until they resolve this (along with manually installing any other plugin) Humorously enough, the outage happened at the exact same time as two typos: One which blacklisted the entire app library (which was fixed 30 seconds afterwards, but GitHub is stuck deploying the incorrect version), and a CA update of which GitHub is also serving up an incorrect version of the .plg preventing new installs / updates.
  15. Try changing the access mode from RW to be RW:Slave or RW:Shared (Folder may also already have to exist - not sure)
  16. Might be better to ask what you're trying to do, as everything outside of /mnt/ is stored in RAM. IE: if you're trying to have a container access a folder in RAM instead of appdata, then just give it a host path of something like /tmp/containerName/
  17. Try it again. There was a blip in the feed for ~10 minutes.
  18. Is the window completely blank? Or is there a message in there about the script location etc.
  19. Nothing I can do about that. The plugin just executes the existing mover script at criteria you specify. Since the script doesn't support what you'd like, I can't
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