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Everything posted by Squid

  1. On Apps, Installed Apps, click the icon that says "Reinstall Using Defaults", change the name etc.
  2. The way to create a 2nd docker instance is to basically edit an existing installed instance, change the name, ports, etc and then apply. Whether you do that via CA or via the Docker Tab, the net result is the same. EDIT: That doesn't work
  3. Allows to start / stop now, but it's not populating the page with anything other than 2 "broken pictures". (let it sit for awhile). the appdata does have *something* in the various interfaces (docker, etc) there. Beyond that, you might want to consider silencing this from being logged: Oct 7 18:02:10 ServerA vnstatd[25705]: Traffic rate for "vnet1" higher than set maximum 10 Mbit (30->42, r0 t117), syncing. With a line logged every 30seconds, the log will fairly quickly fill up.
  4. Good. You save me from going "Huh?!?" on your description.
  5. Are you saying that on a rescan, FCP is still stating the error about ExtraParameters?
  6. Post /config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user/my-sabnzbd.xml on the flash drive here
  7. You must be installing a later version of gcc somewhere. The version that comes with 6.6.1 is 8.1.1 What's the output of cat /proc/version EDIT2: Are you running one of the DVB builds from @CHBMB?
  8. To create a duplicate from within CA, go to Installed Apps, edit the applicable app, change the name, ports, paths as required and Apply. Basically the same thing you do from the Docker tab. You can also within CA's settings change its operation so that already installed apps still appear on any list
  9. Yes. Apps tab All stock repositories. While it doesn't change anything about the issue / bug, most people don't even bother adding any repositories, and just to CA for everything Much easier to handle things.
  10. If you're using "private" repositories (ie: ones that you've created yourself and not shared, or other ones that aren't available in CA), then create a path /config/plugins/community.applications/private/nameOfRepository on the flash drive and toss all of the applicable xml files in there. IE: I've tried to make CA such that anything you can do with the Repositories section in the docker tab you can do with CA.
  11. Alternative though is to simply forget about using repositories altogether and use Apps for everything instead. It DOES support "private" repositories which you may have added
  12. What are you storing in appdata? If its simply the settings for the plugin (which adapters to monitor), then store it on the flash drive, as that location is a constant on all systems, and is where plugin settings are expected to be stored. If you must store within appdata, then your best bet would be the default appdata location that can be found within /boot/config/docker.cfg
  13. It's a long weekend, so yes will be able to find the time. (If the calls from various work customers actually stop for a couple of minutes)
  14. Can you post /config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user/my-ombi.xml file from the flash drive.
  15. Because you installed that version from scratch Because there's an error in the .plg file @dorgan, <!ENTITY pluginURL "$gitURL;/&name;.plg"> should be <!ENTITY pluginURL "&gitURL;/&name;.plg"> Once this is fixed, anyone who has previously installed the plugin will need to uninstall and then reinstall it for any future updates to be found.
  16. Probably a temporary blip in hitting DigitalOcean's servers. BTW, you need to update CA as the version that you are running utilizes an older application feed that has some problems. The new replacement feed has the updated apps, whereas there are a number of apps missing from the old feed, and that feed may or may not get fixed.
  17. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/48653-support-gitlab-ce/?page=5&amp;tab=comments#comment-685301
  18. There's something to be said though for hiding in the shadows
  19. We have an adage over here "If you can't fix it with duct tape, then you're not using enough" Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
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