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Everything posted by Squid

  1. I was actually expecting the answer to be piHole, as misconfiguration of the network when that's installed will easily mess up unraid ( and CA ). HA Bridge shouldn't cause any issues though. I'm sure @dockerPolice will look into installing it.
  2. Chrome, but same thing in Firefox & Brave. Can't be bothered to test Edge / IE
  3. vnstati -s -i eth0 -o /tmp/php5UZta7�PNG IHDR���7�*PLTE���```����������������������`�```...�s�� pHYs���+�IDATx�흽n�8��8\�������70�@�k$�Hm�����y���Qj7�w9��(��F4EEC��%Y���?5�e_����T߲F��!K}-���稂�r���G|�Џ��b?)���W�6��a���7�=�zUI[KcW�\����]n�QJ^��F.��+�r7;��'�[=�յJ�K�-�y۳:��^�[;|E������Xy�X��*R�D���}��F_w5�y~Pt����<�y�~\�I�Jx���7�ݡ����ɫtdsTA�Q=G}�{2z韰� z�*�9���'nVļ癮�>�3�١�Յ�L�O�y.A t��5ӟ�0��gk��^8e��56��>���wjxiq���G�����4J�.>MQ/#�,U�sTA�Q�хY�FL�� ����t���s��RgX]��)���:��a�̓ޞ�?�9���z�'�qc�>|���#���;w�cy�q�������1S�������0���Θo�.�[Y����Nz�F.�ާ��X���͙�0�uE��ti#v���G�{���c��[G���%2:�Ѓ�6jB�+��5�w�����-�?��3r?Y �4��{U�/�tj&���Ю�����*�)D祠�����M��Ng<��i�uo�?r۩��ɰ����QR����m'���XW�sНn$����ޜS�G}x�~n�c��k����>r���՜�vc���:Z�.D�� ѭ���ۋ=���>�r2:%�b�����������1I�}�������w�{����������:�=��PGD�ښ������a1uDt��5�����f�UaY��մ&�v.��쫌��C׭Im���^>��簺Za]��{���e_i��@Ct|��������8(Ŭ漭 ֿ��l��q�&p��;��2|�����]�}/�KĐ��1(OAL�q@QE�〢�>9�E}z��z� z�*�9���ӭ-��7c�H�O�q�"����Ut�����O�q@�@�v��(��T2�ϓ��(�w�nQͅn�����!�?����B���� 1g���}�T�l��c�F��ۧ��)�l�����uA�� ]ࣥFy�c�X^wi3�|�j.��h��pa���'�>��0qd'�� U���&�K�F���u=��Do~��H]W�ބ� ;Y���sӴzmBպ�T'|K���Dw l�u�.Vsdѱv��ڹ大GT�X֯H�V\�<��T�Ȗ<�%��{\�#[�Ȯ�ٗ�g�JْGvY���#;I���N�<��E&��t��#;Yd��N�<��E&��t��#;]9䑽ro�L2U�˅�;���v<�����]��ۖ���4"�Vљ��h�袮�����9,���Y�S(���y�_.�,V���;�՜i�KْG��-yd{�#�.�L�<��<�����k�yd���<��Z�`�?�l�f�#������#��ȚΌ^�F�����J�yd���6_��j�<�˻�yd�c���Ȇ*~��� ���#,ydCE�)�þ����q���W�z�A-��7�Z�;�F���5 ��Tv�o4�B��u�o�K�)���nD� p�R���M��%��o�W$� �(S�7��r�7{�4�6.����7���sx��VUA�Q=G}c_����Qy)�C�IEND�B`�
  4. Oh, and FYI until you switch to RAM or utilize events to stop the service appropriately, a Mod Comment has to be placed on the app until fixed. Can't ignore that one
  5. Still a pair of broken pictures
  6. According to vnstat, everything is running through eth0
  7. Probably not. But see my post above yours. Big issue.
  8. There is a big problem with using the docker appdata share. Without utilizing events, the plugin will prevent the system from being able to stop the array. TBH, I'd suggest switching to a ram based system as its far easier to handle, and screw keeping the history between boots. But, if you still want history and docker appdata, then you'll need to have a directory called /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/networkstats/event, And a bash script (executable) named according to an event listed in cat /usr/local/sbin/emhttp_event to stop the service accordingly (and another one to restart it if enabled)
  9. I don't think it's the plugin's fault for those issues. Possibly could be wrong however. It's also still not displaying anything. vnstats does return info, and the only interface available for me (and its checked off) is eth0) rx / tx / total / estimated docker0: Oct '18 19.06 MiB / 2.47 MiB / 21.53 MiB / 84.00 MiB today 19.06 MiB / 2.47 MiB / 21.53 MiB / 42 MiB veth7954bca: Oct '18 0 KiB / 47 KiB / 47 KiB / 0 KiB today 0 KiB / 47 KiB / 47 KiB / -- veth1fe98ad: Oct '18 2.18 MiB / 161 KiB / 2.33 MiB / 0 KiB today 2.18 MiB / 161 KiB / 2.33 MiB / -- as0t5: Not enough data available yet. vnet1: Oct '18 182 KiB / 16.99 MiB / 17.16 MiB / 0 KiB today 182 KiB / 16.99 MiB / 17.16 MiB / -- as0t1: Not enough data available yet. as0t10: Not enough data available yet. as0t8: Not enough data available yet. gretap0: Not enough data available yet. as0t4: Not enough data available yet. virbr0-nic: Not enough data available yet. vnet0: Oct '18 12 KiB / 192 KiB / 204 KiB / 0 KiB today 12 KiB / 192 KiB / 204 KiB / -- gre0: Not enough data available yet. as0t0: Not enough data available yet. veth889b37e: Oct '18 0 KiB / 47 KiB / 47 KiB / 0 KiB today 0 KiB / 47 KiB / 47 KiB / -- as0t7: Not enough data available yet. veth72de6f9: Oct '18 31 KiB / 667 KiB / 698 KiB / 0 KiB today 31 KiB / 667 KiB / 698 KiB / -- veth8d2d7a7: Oct '18 0 KiB / 47 KiB / 47 KiB / 0 KiB today 0 KiB / 47 KiB / 47 KiB / -- as0t3: Not enough data available yet. vethbcba54e: Oct '18 0 KiB / 47 KiB / 47 KiB / 0 KiB today 0 KiB / 47 KiB / 47 KiB / -- ip_vti0: Not enough data available yet. as0t11: Not enough data available yet. tunl0: Not enough data available yet. br0: Oct '18 34.31 MiB / 20.22 MiB / 54.53 MiB / 216.00 MiB today 34.31 MiB / 20.22 MiB / 54.53 MiB / 108 MiB virbr0: Not enough data available yet. erspan0: Not enough data available yet. as0t6: Not enough data available yet. as0t2: Not enough data available yet. veth9d29fe9: Oct '18 77 KiB / 1.63 MiB / 1.71 MiB / 0 KiB today 77 KiB / 1.63 MiB / 1.71 MiB / -- veth7390eb0: Oct '18 16.82 MiB / 171 KiB / 16.99 MiB / 0 KiB today 16.82 MiB / 171 KiB / 16.99 MiB / -- as0t9: Not enough data available yet. eth0: Oct '18 34.76 MiB / 3.55 MiB / 38.31 MiB / 148.00 MiB today 34.76 MiB / 3.55 MiB / 38.31 MiB / 74 MiB Still haven't rebooted yet though to clean out any leftover files though (for various reasons)
  10. ^^^ this. If it can't be replicated, then it can't be fixed
  11. Yup. IMHO not just in this case, but in all cases. Yes, along with @dockerPolice and @pluginCop Unknown. But, it is directly linked to on LT's website as the "unRaid Appstore"
  12. #!/bin/bash while : do sensors | todos > /pathTo/file.txt sleep 5 done
  13. Run this as a user script on whatever update frequency (via cron) you want #!/bin/bash sensors | todos > /pathTo/file.txt
  14. k Try out the update. Switch the "type" to be URL (open in same tab)
  15. That's the key right there. Currently the preclear plugin will not install if using a DVB build.
  16. Minor Issue: If going from System Stats to Network Stats, the drop downs to change the monitoring speed etc are still present. Adding this should fix that up <script> $('#tab3').bind({click:function(){$('span.status').hide();}}); </script>
  17. But don't write constantly to the flash. Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  18. Most don't save historical data for something like this. No biggie if you want to. I was just tossing up an alternative to using docker apodata Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  19. Actually I have a completely different thought on this whole thing. Why not store it in ram instead. At array start copy it from flash to ram. At array stop copy it from ram to flash. That way everything survives a reboot if so desired No need to worry about strange paths, and there is no requirement that the appdata path is even valid Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  20. Dorgan just needs to include the stats.page file from the dynamix plugin so that it'll work without stats being installed (it's just a header page file that creates the tab) Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  21. I don't know squat about compiling kernels, but I would guess that you're using 8.2.0 of gcc whereas LT is using 8.1.1 cat /proc/version Linux version 4.18.10-unRAID (root@develop64) (gcc version 8.1.1 20180626 (GCC)) #2 SMP Wed Sep 26 13:21:57 PDT 2018 Which basically doesn't matter I would think, but preclear determines which dependencies to install based upon the gcc version used in the kernel. Don't know if there's a better / easier way for either @gfjardim to figure out the dependency situation or for you to match the gcc version that LT uses to create any given kernel.
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