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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Its in seconds, and its the time to wait after starting
  2. Today's update when running on 6.6+ will use the order and delay times from the docker page when restarting containers. Any app that is not set to autostart but is running at the time of backup will be restarted after all of the autostart containers are restarted
  3. Feel free. I'm not doing it because I don't want to manage it.
  4. Possibly Related - Other cases (probably more on the threads) where an MCE was issued very early in the boot process and the microcode was also updated. However in these particular cases the server itself appears to be solid. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/75564-machine-check-events-detected/?tab=comments#comment-696042 https://forums.unraid.net/topic/47266-plugin-ca-fix-common-problems/?page=38&tab=comments#comment-690845
  5. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/?page=2#comment-566088
  6. It is quite possible to create a share with a name which is incompatible with FAT32 naming limitations. When this happens everything works correctly (assuming that the name is also SMB compliant) except that shcmd will spam the log with errors, and no adjustment of the share's .cfg will be possible. Similarily, shares differing only by their case (test, Test, TEST) are all perfectly valid (assuming of course that they are not exported over SMB -> which there is no requirement to do so) but due to FAT32 they will all share a common share .cfg file. When shmd / emhttp finds a share name which is incompatible with FAT32 naming conventions, an algorithm to adjust the .cfg file on the flash drive should take place. See https://forums.unraid.net/topic/75534-cant-pull-from-depositry/?tab=comments#comment-696730 for a real-world (albeit accidental) example.
  7. You're not the first one, and probably won't be the last. Hence my joke at your expense
  8. I'm happy if @bonienl accepts the PRs or if we drop Dynamix Cache Dirs and switch the Apps tab to point to this one.
  9. If this ever happens, please make it optional. IMO, mdcmd is already too chatty on working systems. IE: I would prefer mdcmd to not log spindowns.
  10. Actually you can't via the GUI Better way would be to install CA Mover Tuning which will allow you to disable it. But, with proper use of the useCache Settings for each share, its not really necessary to disable it ever. But every use case is different, so maybe yours dictates no moving ever.
  11. Not that I use the container, but that *sounds* like you've got an incorrect path mapping which is resulting in the settings being written to ram. To eliminate at least that, https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/#comment-564345 And, do you have a cache drive?
  12. That line effectively disables the mover script (it overwrites the file with a ; ) Better ways to accomplish that via the use cache setting on the shares.
  13. I just tried it and it works no problems. Maybe try a reboot and then an install.
  14. To be honest, that doesn't particularly seem excessive, especially if any repairing was necessary. If you install sab on a Windows box and download the same nzb how long will it take?
  15. Confirmed. Those settings result in a cron of # Generated parity check schedule: 30 0 * * * /usr/local/sbin/mdcmd check &> /dev/null || : For the time being you can run the check on any day other than sunday and it will work properly.
  16. Was playing with you. I was one of them, but long since removed it...
  17. Well, you'd think that they would include the (pretty much) required attribute in it 😁 I expect the next post will be that FCP is complaining about it.
  18. And what plugin is that? But figured out where the problem lies and fixed for next release But, in real life the issue would never happen because while I don't know what the plugin is or can see it, it technically isn't a proper one as it is missing the pluginURL attribute and would cause nothing but issues as it cannot be updated.
  19. Nov 9 04:00:07 Server kernel: print_req_error: critical target error, dev sdi, sector 466700552 That's your cache drive. Nothing really jumps out as being bad per se, but the problems can probably be pointed at it.
  20. For shits and giggles, post your diagnostics
  21. Radarr would install it. Fairly common thing
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