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Everything posted by Squid

  1. As long as you feel that the system should have gone to sleep, then post in the S3 support page
  2. ok. Check for updates. 2 Caveats Popups must be enabled in your browser Because of how dynamix works, the page you were on when you click the item that opens in a new link has to be reloaded. So, the information that's on it will have to be reloaded. (IE: if you were on the apps tab when you hit the button, then the apps tab will wind up at its "home" display)
  3. Uninstall then reinstall CA. Does it install or does it return errors?
  4. Fair enough, but since it's a plugin that's not working properly this isn't the appropriate thread. And you'll also need to enable debugging / logging on the plugin and then post the diagnostics.
  5. Sounds more like your trouble is with the S3 plugin, not unRaid
  6. No there isn't. You would have to say have the array autostart and utilize a key file from somewhere in order to accomplish this. Don't use encryption, so can't particularly help.
  7. Install Dynamix System Stats. I gets @dorgan hasn't included the stats.page file as of yet in his plugin
  8. I don't intend to have the plugin send out a notification after a script runs. Rather, you'll have to do some homework, and then utilize the notify command root@ServerA:~# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/scripts/notify notify [-e "event"] [-s "subject"] [-d "description"] [-i "normal|warning|alert"] [-m "message"] [-x] [-t] [add] create a notification use -e to specify the event use -s to specify a subject use -d to specify a short description use -i to specify the severity use -m to specify a message (long description) use -x to create a single notification ticket use -t to force send email only (for testing) all options are optional notify init Initialize the notification subsystem. notify smtp-init Initialize sendmail configuration (ssmtp in our case). notify get Output a json-encoded list of all the unread notifications. notify archive file Move file from 'unread' state to 'archive' state. And execute the appropriate command based upon say the exit code of your rclone command
  9. Have you tried this https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/run/#block-io-bandwidth-blkio-constraint Should allow you to prioritize containers and their IO use. Won't help however with non-containers (ie: GUI) being starved for IO
  10. CA Dynamix Unlimited Width A simple plugin to override unRaid's artificial maximum limit of 1920 pixels across and allow any width of browser to be utilized
  11. Generally speaking, the only things you change on a template are the Ports / Paths. Everything else should be left alone
  12. How are you reinstalling. What you saying with the app not having the webUI on the drop down doesn't make a ton of sense.
  13. CA GUI Links I must be bored. Rather than simply adding a bookmark to my browser, I created a plugin. Dirt simple (the necessary files required to make this a plugin are larger than the plugin itself) and simply turns the bottom of unRaid's footer from to instead be
  14. I would remove the container, then reinstall it from the Apps Tab (do NOT use the Previous Apps section). Your template on the flash drive is messed up / or you've changed it such that it no longed has the WebUI entry
  15. You need to update the templates to reflect the change Sent via telekinesis
  16. Install the backup plugin. Search for Appdata Backup in CA
  17. Moved a long time ago to user utilities section (Still in settings)
  18. But did you fix that entry in the template? If yes, then at least binhex now has all the required info for him to be able to help with the actual problem.
  19. Did you fix this? (Can't tell if this error was regarding the Krusader container or not though) invalid volume specification: '/mnt/disks/:UNASSIGNED:rw,slave': invalid mount config for type \"bind\": invalid mount path: 'UNASSIGNED' mount path must be absolute"
  20. Tools - Diagnostics. For the Krusader logs, see the first linked post in the Real Docker FAQ which will tell you how to grab them.
  21. That's not the diagnostics. There's other files within the zip which may also be of use. Also wouldn't hurt to additionally post the logs from Krusader
  22. might be useful then to also post your diagnostics
  23. screenshot / more details might be in order to put some reference to what you are saying
  24. IE: the container cannot execute because you've made a mistake somewhere in entering values on the template. Usual cause is re-using a port that's already in use et al.
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