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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Switch to advanced view on the docker tab, then add a delay to the startup for Sonarr. I had to do the same thing for Ubooquity. (I picked 30seconds for the hell of it, and never had a problem since)
  2. lol I figured it was applicable. Auto Update = Auto Spin TBH, I was playing around, and it's my small little rebellion against the going wisdom of how a modern UI is actually a retro look back to when we all had monochrome monitors.
  3. FYI @bonienl With active streams, if Plex is not installed (or not running), a ton of errors happen on the plugin Warning: strpos(): Empty needle in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.active.streams/include/StreamList.php on line 68 Warning: strpos(): Empty needle in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.active.streams/include/StreamList.php on line 32
  4. docker stats does run constantly on unRaid 6.6.x IMHO, there is no real need for it to unless you're on the docker tab, but for the time being it is what it is. This isn't a bug report (as there's no bug, but its the design), and a feature req should be posted instead.
  5. I don't think its a $$ issue. As I understand it, it's more of that ZFS's licence is incompatible with GPL which means no binary distribution can happen with Linux. Could be wrong though.
  6. You can install the ZFS plugin and use ZFS on non array disks
  7. You can change the UI link by editing the template (advanced view - might also need to enable developer mode in Settings Docker)
  8. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/?page=2#comment-566086
  9. URL for FCP https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Squidly271/fix.common.problems/master/plugins/fix.common.problems.plg
  10. If you're looking to edit files which exist within a container, then you have no choice but to use terminal and exec into the container. On the other hand, if you're looking to edit files which exist within appdata then the plugin will work for you.
  11. Glad you piped in @bonienl was going to point this out to you. Here's what I don't understand Then a bunch more errors Then Then a stop start of the docker service, at which point the containers will start up correctly.
  12. Post your diagnostics after doing your steps
  13. IMHO, this is such an easy app to use and set up that you don't need any guide. I'd never sat down and used Let'sEncrypt (as I could never clear off something like a week to read the thread and play with setting it up), but I got this all going within 5 minutes, with no thought involved. But, if you need subfolders and not subdomains then you've got to manually edit the nginx configs. Myself, I'm just using subdomains. But, for advanced features that you may or may not require (I don't for my use case), then this may not be for you. That, and if you've already spent the time and aggravation setting up LE, why switch?
  14. Fyi @bonienl I can easily replicate this @ 1280x800 if (and only if) I have Chrome zoomed in. With a bookmarks bar it happens at 110%. Without bookmarks bar it'll happen at 125%
  15. Quick comment if you're having CA add in a container from the "wild" (docker hub searches). A few weeks ago the repository pages on dockerHub underwent a subtle (to the user), but drastic change (to CA). This change now makes it impossible for CA to automatically scrape the dockerHub page for the dockerfile for it to convert to a template for CA. The change at dockerHub was probably because some programmer got bored and decided to annoy me. I've experimented with various ways to work around this (things like opening an iframe to the page, and having the user copy / paste the dockerfile, etc), but they all wind up being very awkward for the user. The one approach which I think will work I am not comfortable having CA implement, as it would involve within the Apps tab having it silently execute all of the scripts and code present within the dockerHub page. (Not a very good idea, security wise) Net result is that going forward all CA conversions from dockerHub will result in basically a blank template being generated and you will have to manually add to the template any applicable volume and path mappings along with the environment variables. Note that this only affects dockerHub searches. Any template present in CA will always be populated correctly. For template maintainers, this change at dockerHub also means that the pop-ups on their templates will no longer have the "Base OS" entry. If you wish to have the Base OS populated on the popup, add in <BaseImage> to the template.
  16. k I'm 'tupid Seems like there was an entry in SMB Extra on the second server that limited SMB to be 2.0 EDIT: And it doesn't make a difference... Not a big deal. Merely an annoyance
  17. Going forward, don't do that. Running the new perms tool where it can affect the permissions within the appdata share *may* have undesired effects on applications (mostly it won't, but it has had averse effects for some users). Hence why if you have Fix Common Problems installed there is a "docker safe new permissions tool" on the Tools menu which does the same thing but specifically excludes the appdata share)
  18. I'll tell you what. I'll have it possible to disable mobile enhancements on the next rev
  19. unRaid's GUI has no code what-so-ever of what goes on with a mobile device. Apps Tab however does (it's the trail blazer ). The standard swipe gesture used on phones / tablets to change pages CA recognizes and acts upon. On all of my devices though, when zooming in when I scroll to move the display, I cannot get the page to automatically change unless I lift my finger from the screen and swipe again (which is the proper operation) - Tested on multiple Android devices, and an iPhone (ugh) and an iPad (more ugh) And I also tried your steps on my devices and it all worked for me.
  20. Unfortunately, that's impossible as unRaid doesn't look like it supports 3.0 for exports for some messed reason (both running 6.6.6) Dec 26 08:56:46 ServerA unassigned.devices: Mount SMB share '//SERVERB/Movies' using SMB3 protocol. Dec 26 08:56:47 ServerA kernel: CIFS VFS: Dialect not supported by server. Consider specifying vers=1.0 or vers=2.0 on mount for accessing older servers Dec 26 08:56:47 ServerA kernel: CIFS VFS: cifs_mount failed w/return code = -95 Dec 26 08:56:47 ServerA unassigned.devices: SMB3 mount failed: mount error(95): Operation not supported Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs) .
  21. I've been getting this fairly constantly in my logs since upgrading to 6.6.6 (possibly earlier, but may have not noticed) Dec 25 22:28:35 ServerA kernel: CIFS VFS: Close unmatched open Happens whether I force UD to mount via SMB 1.0 or autodetect (in which case it uses 2.0 for my secondary server shares and 3.0 for my window shares) SMB issue? Possible to silence it? Happens between every 30 seconds and every 5 minutes
  22. Probably easier to use something like Ripper which is designer for what you want.
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