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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Squid


    Save a copy of it on the flash drive Then edit /config/go on the flash drive and add this line (probably before the emhttp line) cp /boot/nfsmount.conf /etc/nfsmount.conf
  2. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/#comment-564314
  3. Here's another one (Also added @johnnie.black's solution to the FAQ)
  4. Try this https://forums.unraid.net/topic/74419-tried-to-upgrade-from-653-to-66-and-wont-boot-up-after-reboot/?tab=comments#comment-710968
  5. They're both correct. Depends upon what you want. jc21 is the author of the app itself and maintains the github for the app. DJoss is the author of the container (which includes the app) and maintains it. Because 99% of the time, any bug is with the app itself, and not with the container. It's kinda akin to getting food poisoning from eating cereal. Is the cereal itself bad (the app), or is it the box (djoss' container) that then transferred something to the cereal?
  6. This behaviour should be changed in today's update to FCP
  7. Whether it's your problem or not I have no clue, but technically any mount of /mnt/disks/... should have an access mode of RW:Slave (you can also try Shared)
  8. In Host mode you can't change the ports anyways. Set it to bridge if you want to change the ports. (Or give the app its own IP so as to not conflict with any other app's port settings)
  9. While I don't anticipate any updates required for this plugin in the near term (outside of today's which updated the icon), there was a typo in the original plugin which prevents unRaid from seeing any updates for it. The fix is to uninstall, and then reinstall (no reboot is required)
  10. Not that it helps you, but one of the changes in 6.7 includes not notifying you about a plugin upgrade that requires an OS upgrade These are your current options: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/34889-dynamix-v6-plugins/?page=92&tab=comments#comment-713123
  11. Deal. I'll look into it (and I believe he gave me a pic of it at one point so finding it won't be too difficult) @CHBMB Pretty sure that you've got to go to work or sleep at some point.
  12. And side note, the reason you weren't seeing the format checkbox is because the 8TB is already formatted
  13. Auto update doesn't send out notifications unless you want it to. You can also pick and choose what it'll update for you behind the scenes. Sent via telekinesis
  14. Squid

    Turbo write

    Entirely up to you and your own preference. No right answer. Personally, I use 1
  15. Post a screen shot of the Array Devices and Cache section of the Main tab
  16. You're talking about within duplicati. Did you add a mapping on the template to that? Post your docker run command https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/#comment-564345
  17. Alternative would be to disable plugin update checks and either check manually, or install the auto update plugin and just have it update everything and not have to worry about it.
  18. It does now Still will show the update available, but will not send out any notification about it.
  19. You need to install the dynamix Schedules plugin to be able to adjust the Daily/Weekly/Monthly times
  20. Squid

    Turbo write

    That script was long replaced by the Mover tuning plugin. But sure, I can add that if I remember in a couple of days
  21. Lots of info here https://forums.unraid.net/topic/53172-windows-issues-with-unraid/ (or hopefully @Frank1940) will also chime in, as he seems to know what he's talking about regarding this.
  22. You should post your docker run command, and the logs from from sonarr https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/#comment-564345
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