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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Diagnostics, but if the page doesn't load within 120 seconds, it will never load. Alternatively, you can disable the plugin update check (Notification Settings), and then check manually. Right now, its probably checking every time you go to the page.
  2. oh. I thought you had the old .plg and .txz Unfortunately, i no longer run 6.6, so I don't have them either.
  3. You have corrupted XMLs on your flash drive in /config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user Notably my-MediaInfo.xml Delete it.
  4. Its a quirk of the plugin system. It doesn't check MD5s of the TXZ when it installs at boot time.
  5. Copy the .plg to /config/plugins and the .txz to /config/plugins/dynamix.system.stats on the flash drive Then reboot
  6. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/#comment-564314
  7. Deleted my post before you replied, as I thought you were complaining about the operation, and not the type of button.
  8. You're missing the leading slash / on UNASSIGNED DEVICES
  9. Watch This. Unfortunately, @SpaceInvaderOne didn't include the dancing girls that I asked for, but he does do a good job of explaining a concept that's so simple that its hard to explain. Additionally, you can look here: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/?tab=comments#comment-564306 In "english", the only difference between using /mnt/user and /mnt is that when the former will only allow Krusader to operate on shares (which is the safer method) The latter allows Krusader to operate on shares and the raw disks, which depending upon what you are try to do has the potential to corrupt data *Generally*, you never need to touch the appdata path. Ever. Its automatically filled out according to your default appdata path that's set in Settings - Docker. Not quite sure what you mean by this
  10. I really, really, really hope the heavy breathing is a Vader reference, and not the usual day to day usage that most people associate heavy breathing with.
  11. Doubt it. If Sab has a limit log size setting, then its for it's own "logging" internal for whatever reason. The container size log entry is what docker keeps track of. What you need to do is this https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/#comment-564326 Just make sure you read the post, as it's not completely obvious how things work depending upon your unRaid version.
  12. Isn't the max size of root fs 50% of available memory? Which means that the system has 2G of memory, which is basically nothing nowadays.
  13. Fix Common Problems is telling you why and how to fix it. Jan 25 20:18:01 Tower root: Fix Common Problems: Error: Docker application binhex-krusader has volumes being passed that are mounted by Unassigned Devices, but they are not mounted with the slave option
  14. 99% of LSIO's apps will update to the latest version if you install the container update that comes out every Friday @ 2300 GMT
  15. They just bitched and complained to me, and was forced to add them to CA's Credit's popup.
  16. It's a bug / side effect of how PHP compares versions. @bonienl needs to change his minimum version to be 6.7.0-rc0 or rc1 and drop the suffix
  17. Next rev of CA will have provisions to prevent system stats from showing up on 6.6 (Because the older version of system stats does work on 6.6, CA didn't have the provisions to mark it as being incompatible without it triggering an error from FCP) Sent via telekinesis
  18. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/?page=2&tab=comments#comment-566095 Although, as an aside, a new Cloudfare DDNS app was added to the Apps tab a couple of days ago.
  19. If your command line was something like mv /mnt/cache/blahblahblah /mnt/user/blahblah Then it will do the copy / delete process. Specifying /mnt/user for both source and destination should just rename it to the new folder
  20. Should be pointed out that users who are upgrading to v6.7.0-rc1 and have dynamix system stats installed must upgrade that stats plugin. It will spam your log and very quickly fill it otherwise
  21. You would put in what ever path UD mounted the disk at. Can't 100% remember if you can just navigate to it via the folder browser drop down.
  22. Squid


    Save a copy of it on the flash drive Then edit /config/go on the flash drive and add this line (probably before the emhttp line) cp /boot/nfsmount.conf /etc/nfsmount.conf
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