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Everything posted by Squid

  1. I'll look at it, but clear your browser cache I'm in this daily and have never seen anything like that. What browser? EDIT quite possibly an errant quote from one of the descriptions / etc that's slipping thru and messing it up Sent via telekinesis
  2. You can delete the orphan via the webUI (Docker, Advanced view) But, without any details as to what actually happened (eg: post diagnostics - maybe there's something there, a screenshot of the update popup etc), there really isn't anything to comment on.
  3. lol Yeah, that's wrong It'll fix itself in 33 minutes
  4. I would love it if all the maintainers took advantage of that feature of CA Its one of those features which I thought was going to be a game changer, but wound up with very little adoption. That popup can actually change any default on the template (paths, ports, environment variables etc)
  5. I'm smart enough to realize that I'm not smart enough to be able to create, maintain, and most importantly secure a database online that would keep track of new installs, etc
  6. Stars have nothing to do with "most people use". The closest metric to that is either downloads or trends (both of which you can sort by) Downloads IMO aren't a real good metric depending upon how the maintainers handle the container. It is a count of every pull of a container. So, if you have some container, installed it on January 1st, 2018 if it is updated automatically every week and you pull the update every week, then by the end of the year your one install actually counts as 52 downloads. Trends are percentage increase of downloads from one month to another. It's an attempt to give a more accurate reflection of how many people are actually doing new installs. Stars are kinda valid, but in order to give a "star" to a container you have to sign up for dockerHub, and then give it a star, which most people do not do. And even there it's all kinda BS. Just look at my own posts here and see what gets "Liked" or not. (Or look at Facebook for that matter) Will an actual "rating" system come to CA in the future? Who knows.
  7. Actually, it's a change I made to the application feed that's causing this false positive. I'll think about what to do and issue an update to FCP later on today.
  8. Are you on the latest version of FCP? Pretty sure I changed the logic on what happens with System Stats and FCP, unless I introduced a regression error in my last update.
  9. Its on the Info popup. Undecided if I want it on the "card", as I don't particularly think that its a real meaningful metric, and I've been trying to transition instead to a "trending" metric
  10. Thats all normal when an app starts up Probably best to post what the actual problem is and your docker run commandhttps://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/#comment-564345
  11. My opinion is don't worry about it. It's all "computer time", not "your time", and if you've just spent an hour or so downloading a bluray, does another 2 minutes really matter before its available to watch?
  12. Either the zoom level on your browser, or you've got Settings - Display Settings - Font Size set to very small
  13. It's amazing when you consider all the switches, hubs, routers, etc that make up the internet that Al Gore invented it even works at all.
  14. Wow. I haven't seen a guru meditation error in years. Brings back very fond memories.
  15. GitHub had some issues today (for some users, not me), and are not properly handling raw.github.com whereas it is handling raw.githubusercontent.com I've updated the URL to reflect this.
  16. I changed both CA's and FCP's urls, even though they have no problems, but seem to for some odd user as of today.
  17. Nothing wrong with the URLs. What it appears to be is that where ever the users in question are are being blocked from raw.github.com, but have access to raw.githubuser.com (technically, the first redirects to the 2nd, and it works perfectly fine for me, and the urls haven't changed in years in the plugin)
  18. There's nothing wrong with the URL, and it hasn't changed in 4 years But, if switching it to raw.githubusercontent.com fixes it up for your, then I've got no problems with that.
  19. One problem visible on the screenshots (not what the OP is seeing though) is that the title bar on the docker screenshot is out by a hair on filling in the background of the modal where the plugin shot is correct
  20. You should put in a feature request for this to be added.
  21. Maybe I'm missing something. I also don't see what's wrong with the docker screenshot vs the plugin screenshot.
  22. You may have to give them the full path Sent via telekinesis
  23. Apps Tab, Installed Apps, Hit the Reinstall / Default Icon. Give the template a different name, different appdata folder, ports, etc. done
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