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Everything posted by Squid

  1. The message pops up because Fix Common Problems is looking at the settings for the appdata share which is set to Use Cache: YES. This means that any and all of the data stored in the appdata share get moved to the array whenever mover runs. This includes your downloads (if this is stored inside the appdata share), all the settings, metadata, etc for any and all containers etc. Once the files are on the array, they do not get moved back to the cache drive under any circumstance. You want it as prefer
  2. k. The second time I was still trying to download the first zip for some reason. Anyway, as suspected FCP is correct. Your appdata share is set to use Cache: YES While this isn't a problem per se, your performance will suffer significantly, as all of the metadata, etc for any of the apps you've got installed get moved whenever possible to the array. By and large, most people have the appdata share set to be use cache:Prefer so that it stays on the cache drive and overflows if necessary to the array
  3. Same thing. Are you able to open it on your desktop?
  4. Anything not stored in /mnt/diskX (or /mnt/user/) or /boot is not persistent. User scripts plugin would be the easiest method Alternatives would be entering the commands in via the "go" file.
  5. Don't lose sleep over it. I forget to set slave all the time. FCP reminds me on the next scan. That's what it's there for - To let you know of a mistake. The only downside of not setting slave is that under certain circumstances, your files within the UD mount will not be visible to the container. But, there's no data loss, in that circumstance, and a simple edit of the container to set slave mode fixes it permanently.
  6. Probably won't happen, if only because unRaid itself does not support unassigned disks. That only happens via the UD plugin.
  7. The list doesn't appear if you have "update all docker apps" set to be yes (IE: no point in displaying the list if it'll update everything anyways)
  8. Same problem I had with the mover tuning plugin. My solution was to rename the stock mover script, replace it with this #!/bin/bash PPPID=`ps h -o ppid= $PPID 2>/dev/null` P_COMMAND=`ps h -o %c $PPPID 2>/dev/null` /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ca.mover.tuning/mover.php $P_COMMAND $1 and then have the mover.php detect if it was running via a cron schedule or not to determine if it was a manual start or scheduled (which is what the P_COMMAND var is) $cron = ( $argv[1] == "crond" ); and then take appropriate action by calling it. Probably more complicated for you as you would have to replace mdcmd with the wrapper script, and if it's not parity check related, pass through any and all options when you call the renamed mdcmd. But, food for thought.
  9. Because within Sonarr, /downloads and /tv are different mount points, and you can't hardlink between mounts. Doesn't matter that they are all within the same share. The alternative is to instead pass /mnt mapped to /mnt and ditch all other mappings, and reference everything from that.
  10. Depends upon how you look at it. The URL listed in the .plg file is slightly different than the URL listed within CA. Hence FCP doesn't recognize that its the same thing, and therefore it's unknown. Dorgan needs to change one of them to match the other.
  11. Have you also installed mongodb wekan and wekan?
  12. Before you do anything else, get rid of CA resource Monitor. Long deprecated. Who knows if it's even compatible.
  13. They aren't kept within the container per se, but are within the docker.img Easiest solution is this https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/#comment-564326
  14. Is FCP up to date? Sent via telekinesis
  15. Not a defect, as unRaid doesn't support sleeping. But, what you're looking for is here
  16. That sounds like either flash drive problems, or it dropped offline
  17. By design. Schedule at start or stop of array does this. At first start only, it will run in the background and not tie up the boot process. You can get around this by having your script simply /path/to/real/script | at NOW -M
  18. I have never had any issues with radarr (or nzbget / sonarr for that matter). System automatically updates every Friday to LSIO's latest image. Curious about one thing though (wild guess of a theory). When you go to the docker tab does it show Advanced View or Basic View. Try switching it to Basic View and then see if you get better longevity out of the containers.
  19. Easily reproduceable if you take a browser at 1920px and slowly resize it down. At the point where the 3rd column disappears due to space, it actually appears below exactly like the picture. (Reproduced on Black)
  20. The dashboard isn't real time when in doubt about the status of the drivers enable the logging in the plugin and you'll see what the drive reports Sent via telekinesis
  21. Most scanners a computer treats as a keyboard Sent via telekinesis
  22. Thereal heinous paths like mnt and mnt/user are already excluded Sent via telekinesis
  23. The open vm plugin will let you access the server when its stopped Sent via telekinesis
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