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Everything posted by Squid

  1. All you should need to do for this is manually make a copy of the docker.img file.
  2. No. Stop script is run prior to stopping, and start script is run after starting. My suggestion would be to do a user script or something to replicate what this plugin does to rsync the appdata share appropriately
  3. That looks to me like you're trying to to mount a file which you can't. only folders allowed
  4. User scripts is far more forgiving on scripts than backup. Notable differences: The "interpreter line" ( ie: #!/bin/bash ) has to be present in backup Line endings must be linux style, and not Windows style (ie: use Notepad++ to edit the script and set EOL to be unix/linux)
  5. Look at your screenshot. It's not in bridge mode. Personally, I don't use this container, and just jumped in when I saw your docker run command and screenshot both stated Host when @aptalca asked you to switch it to bridge.
  6. What's to check? It's 3 lines of code, only 1 of which does anything.
  7. Please don't Diagnostics are anonymized, and other persons may have more insight than whomever you choose to PM to. But in this case, appdata share is set to use cache: Yes. Usually you want it to be use cache:Prefer
  8. The full diagnostics would be more useful for people here
  9. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/#comment-564345
  10. Go one step further and remove the "x" altogether. Add this in before the call to openBox() $("#sb-nav-close").css("visibility","hidden");
  11. It's not a chrome problem - All development is done via chrome. What I would guess is that you've got an ad-blocker installed and it's giving a false positive. Add the server to the white-list of the blocker.
  12. FCP never actually fixes anything, but only either points to the appropriate forum post or the section within the OS for you to fix it. If you're lucky, the diagnostics will show the error that you tried to fix (if the server had run a background scan, and you had FCP set to log the errors). But, you'd have to post them regardless as there's nothing else that we can help you with without knowing anything about what may or may not be going on.
  13. Also, I'm a little curious about your use case for your server. A laptop with a 128G SSD only and only a 100mb/s NIC
  14. Looked at the code, and the issue is a debateable point. The update checking done by dynamix doesn't check if notifications are enabled or not before sending out the notification.. I'll pop in a PR to change the behavior tonight. I've never really noticed because all of my containers update with the script.
  15. CA Backup does not send out notifications regarding updates being available, and I also have never included the [3b05...6453] anywhere in any of the notifications on any plugin. These are coming from the OS. Basically what it looks like is happening is that for whatever reason the OS is picking up that an update is available for those apps (because Auto Update is checking to see if an update is available), and it is ignoring the rules on sending out notifications for whatever reason
  16. You can still restart it Yes. Fill out the template that appears accordingly
  17. I would do a docker pause and a docker unpause instead in this circumstance
  18. It's definitely from unRaid, as nothing I do ever says that an Update is available. Only thing you'd ever see from me is Update installed The strange thing though is the string after the name of the container.
  19. I've got 2 unRaid servers that use Unassigned Devices and cross mount SMB shares to each other with no problems. I also use UD to mount a Windows share hosted on a bare metal machine (always on 24-7) with no problems.
  20. Did you guy's happen to copy / paste the repository? Try just typing it in instead
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