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Everything posted by Squid

  1. More than likely, Network Settings, and make sure your gateway is set to your router's IP address, and use and as the DNS addresses
  2. If the network type is set to host then you can change it all day long and it will never take effect Only works in Bridge mode. By design by docker themselves
  3. Everything is all GUI based. Watch this for principles on path and port mappings
  4. When in HOST mode (or when assigning a container its own unique IP address), the docker system completely ignores any and all port mappings and gives the container access to any and all ports that it wants to use. IE: In host mode or with an unique IP address it will always utilize 1194. If you have another container which also wants to use 1194 then you have a few choices: Use the container in bridge mode, and you can then map 1194 to whatever host port you want. Map the other container's port 1194 to some other port (assuming that it's also running in bridge) Assign one or both of those conflicting apps their own unique IP address and you won't need to worry about port conflicts between the two of them. As far a OpenVPN-AS is concerned, there were some reports that the later versions of it did not like running in Bridge mode for whatever reason, and the workaround was to run in HOST. The only way to change port mappings is to edit the container via the docker tab. Simply changing the .xml and rebooting will not change anything with relation to the installed app.
  5. When an app is set to Network Type HOST, all port mappings are ignored
  6. Enabling Mover Logging within Settings - Scheduler - Mover Settings then attempting to run mover and finally posting your diagnostics would say why. But, it has to be noted that if the file is in use it cannot be moved.
  7. Imagine this /mnt/user/share1/file1.txt (this is a cache-only share) From the command prompt, move the file to another share that is set to not use the cache. mv /mnt/user/share1/file.txt /mnt/user/share2/file.txt The file will remain on the cache drive in the share2 folder, in apparent violation of the use cache setting. IMO, not a big deal as you're basically bypassing the system, but this can happen on occasion depending upon how you've set up docker containers (in particular if for simplicity sake you simply map /mnt to /mnt and nothing else). The "problem" here is that because share2 is set to not use the cache drive, mover will not move the file off of the cache drive to the array. Unfortunately though @jonp did come up with a neat little use case to leverage this behaviour of mover here which would preclude changing mover to fix this (although, I personally think that mover should always move files to fix this problem, and @jonp be damned )
  8. Or even better, post your diagnostics after that happens again.
  9. There is no problems with a 9211 (or a H200) flashed to IT mode
  10. Fix Common Problems plugin would have let you know. But, beyond that the original version does work (for most users). Deleting of the backup sets and creating new ones and locking up the server for some users is why it got deprecated. I would just delete the .plg from the config/plugins folder on the flash drive, reboot, then plug away at deleting the folders within the backup one at a time
  11. Not quite sure why it's doing that. You can always just make sure that /config/plugins does not have the ca.backup.plg file present and then reboot
  12. It's been there for most (if not all) of the 6.x series
  13. I'm curious if you can hit the Apps Page and Installed Apps without any trouble?
  14. Move it off of the HBA and onto the motherboard
  15. OK. Figured it was beer, as they spent ~20 minutes talking about beer after you left.
  16. Added in, and deprecated CaptInsano's version. TY
  17. I hope Tom let's you expense out that beer you were drinking. You shouldn't have to pay for it out of pocket 😁
  18. I have no problems with connecting radar to smb shares at all, so no Sent via telekinesis
  19. Probably. But I wouldn't expect an update to the container anytime soon to handle the a7 WUs. It'll still work when it receives an a4
  20. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/#comment-564345
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