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Everything posted by Squid

  1. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/40888-support-linuxserverio-quassel-core/?tab=comments#comment-458320 https://hub.docker.com/r/linuxserver/quassel-core/
  2. No. The only way to remove a drive from the array (as you've previously had it installed) is to issue a New Config via Tools Because of that missing disk, all of your data is at risk should a drive die on you.
  3. Stop the array and post a screenshot of your Main Page This is because Disk 7 isn't valid (in which case the warnings are valid because parity expects disk 7 to be there and it's not)
  4. Only shares that should have the all or some warning are apps and D-----x,
  5. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/#comment-564314
  6. Very strange. But the update now available should fix it.
  7. webgui: Per Device Font Size Setting Each device (including the local) can have it's own font-size set via Display Settings. Try changing the font-size.
  8. *IF* you happen to have say duplicati backing up to an unassigned device and that device isn't present, then everything will wind up going to RAM instead and you will see what you're seeing.
  9. It's a replacement. Saves you from all of the config file editing to utilize LetsEncrypt
  10. It's not. The .plg has the wrong URL and that URL has the "thread" number for mover tuning and not parity tuning It's never done that. You have to add in that button if you want onto the .page
  11. Can some one try FF again? I got home and everything is working fine for me. I do see that a new release of FF was released on 3/27, and maybe it wound up getting installed at some point over the course of today.
  12. This is going to play havoc with your system. Most likely a misconfigured docker container is writing to RAM instead of a share (ie: writing to /mnt/appdata instead of /mnt/user/appdata) Your only recourse though right now is to reboot powerdown -r and then investigate
  13. After the quick look, the more indepth look revealed that this is actually a CA issue
  14. Can you post a screenshot of the actual notification so we can see where it's actually coming from Based on the archived notifications, it doesn't appear that its from CA update
  15. Sweet. This looks like it's actually a dockerHub issue. It appears that the search API doesn't do anything when searching for "arangodb" If you instead search for "aran" your app will appear (the official version is the 2nd result)
  16. LOL it was just a simple explanation. In this case, FF pukes at having an animation then a callback when the animation is completed followed by a post call and when that is returned another animation with a callback. (Nested callbacks) Safari had a similar issue with CA a couple years ago with nesting multiple post calls
  17. Thanks, but I've got it under control. As an aside, the last release of CA (2019.02.21) also didn't work correctly with FF. I know exactly where the problem is, and will be pumping out an update tonight. You would think that javascript is javascript, but while Chrome, Edge, and Brave all think that 2+2=4, Firefox seems to believe that 2+2=5???
  18. Not sure. You could try the backup to the SMB, then change the SOURCE to another share on your array and then run the restore operation and see what winds up in there.
  19. Does anyone running safari have an issue?
  20. Spent the last hour while at work narrowing down where the problem lies with FF and I've got the section down that FF decides to puke on without giving any errors for some reason. *Might* be able to get a release up tonight, but probably not til tomorrow when I'm back home.
  21. Interesting. FF was the one browser I didn't test with. I usually only do Brave, Edge, and Chrome unless there's major changes. Now I have to figure out what change was made that FF hates, and of course there's no console errors showing in FF. On the road, so may take a day
  22. And have tried this on 6.6.7 with no issues either
  23. I just uninstalled and reinstalled on both my servers (6.7-rc6 and another version of unRaid) and CA has no problems. Diagnostics from each of you *may* help
  24. The XML for ca has couple fatal errors. You've got a couple ampersand that need to be escaped and the opening and closing tags for iconfa dont match each other. The plug file also has errors that prevent unraid from installing the updates quick look and I'd say it's the double quoted icon Sent via telekinesis
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