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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Your original problem was that there was an orphan. Since that's now solved, I'm letting dlandon take over.
  2. It seems to always be broken. Whenever I fix the link, it then fails in the future again. Wikipedia has a decent writeup on cron
  3. Post the docker run command (See first link in Docker FAQ). An orphaned image only happens when an error occurs on the docker run. They can be safely deleted at any time
  4. From the ebay description You want forward breakout cables. Look the same, but wired differently
  5. Enable debug logging and then post diagnostics Sent via telekinesis
  6. That message and the blank line is logged by the md driver, not the plugin Sent via telekinesis
  7. Think that's been there pretty much all of v6.5/6.6 If the text doesn't fit based upon the window size, then it only shows the icons
  8. https://hub.docker.com/r/fenglc/pgadmin4/ Sent via telekinesis
  9. It all works. I think there's something more going on. Unfortunately, the only real clue in your syslog is that the monitor keeps puking and exiting. If you can't grab diagnostics, then reboot, and toss FCP into troubleshooting mode.
  10. That command basically pushes the stop array button. So no reason why encryption would make a difference either way
  11. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/#comment-566084 PM
  12. Probably created by deleting items in Krusader. Empty it's trash.
  13. Can you save the attached file onto your flash drive, then cp /boot/backup.php /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ca.backup2/scripts/backup.php /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ca.backup2/scripts/backup.php > /boot/backupdiag.log After you get back a command prompt, post backupdiag.log on the flash drive here. backup.php
  14. And you are running unRaid 6.6.x and v2018.11.17a of the plugin?
  15. It worked for me after the update I issued for it.
  16. Post this for me cat /var/lib/docker/unraid-autostart
  17. The syslog is sufficient. Also, what is your unRaid version, and are the containers actually running but the Docker Tab says that they aren't?
  18. The only thing is that (Can't remember, and not going to test) is that any files already queued may go into the previously mapped folders (if you changed the mapping on sab / deluge)
  19. Just make sure that if you adjust the mappings on the DL clients that you also adjust their settings as where the downloads are actually going.
  20. Your path mappings don't match between the containers Some of the containers are using /data for /mnt/user/downloads, and others are using /downloads. You've got to keep it consistent between all of them.
  21. Post YOUR screenshots of the mappings, not ones from the video.
  22. Software cannot overcome the hardware limitations. The CPU / chipset / BIOS has decided to group those things together. If none of the ACS override settings will split them apart, then there is nothing you can do short of passing through a PCIe card & audio
  23. And it won't work because the ethernet controller is still in the same group as the audio.
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