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Everything posted by Squid

  1. If you switch the scraper on the machine that originally scanned the files and rescan from there I think it'll work.
  2. Did you set the access mode on the plex template to one of the slave Modes? If not you're probably going to ultimately have the same issue again at some point.
  3. Once per day is sufficient for most but all the brutal usages of the cache drive. IE: If you're regularly filling the drive up and emptying it multiple times per day (transferring say 1TB / day onto a 250G cache drive and having mover run 4 times / day to clear it out), then run it 4 times / day. If not, once per day.
  4. Doesn't matter at all. (Sorry misunderstood your post)
  5. If its not in use, then why have it installed? Trim "costs" you and the SSD nothing. There's only benefits and zero downsides
  6. Its the only way to do it. Have CA scan all of the XML's itself. Although I suppose an alternative would be to create a folder like /boot/config/plugins/community.applications/private/djoss And then toss the xmls into there. It would show up as a private djoss repository with the apps in there. Still would have to upload them to your GitHub though after verifying operation. whenever you make a change to those XMLs, enter this in: touch /tmp/community.applications/tempFiles/TrippingTheRift That line signals CA to reload the appfeed AND rescan the flash drive for any changes to the XML's (Just hit the apps tab again) Without entering in the command, it won't rescan the flash until the appfeed changes. That "backdoor" is there for the dockerHub search integration. Note that under either method, some things such as download counts, and baseOS cannot be determined and will show up as such on the popups
  7. You can hit Legacy Mode, which will take a minute or two to run. But, there is zero reason to ever do that unless there is a new application available which hasn't hit the 2 hour scan yet. But, as a developer, you can do that to make sure that there are no template errors, etc.
  8. the headless Kodi will only scan using the default scraper if you originally scraped on your htpc using universal movie scraper then the headless will always fail
  9. Squid

    Docker FAQ

    How do I increase the size of my docker.img file? Go to settings - Docker Settings. Set Enable Docker to be "No" Apply. Switch to Advanced View (Top Right) Change the size of the image. Set Enable Docker to be "yes" Apply Done.
  10. - Primarily a catch up release / merge of the development thread and the release thread, as I am continually winding up not noticing which thread I'm modifying and wind up losing all my work. - Fixed: Display aberration in table mode under certain conditions - Enhanced: View Mode & Results Per Page settings are now saved between instances of loading the plugin - Enhanced: Increased compatibility with older browsers - Added: Statistics display for appfeed
  11. peruse the temporary Docker FAQ (I haven't gotten around to a proper table of contents though)
  12. Its the files from the flash drive that are being uploaded continuously. Currently the backup deletes the existing backup within appdata for the flash then simply recopies it (flash drive got tacked on, and it was a simple solution to how to handle it). I'll issue an update to switch it over to an rsync, but in the meantime, you can set a separate destination for it outside of what rclone is looking at
  13. No where near enough information, as for instance Why is it copying the files over to the backup set... Post the settings for the backup..
  14. Easy enough. I can't test it though until next Friday's round of lsio updates, so a release will have to wait until then. You will however have the same issue on any docker stops issued by unRaid itself (array stop, etc) as there is no option for that, and will utilize docker's default of 10 seconds.
  15. If you're using dated backup sets, then rclone would in fact continually upload every day because the folder name itself has changed every single time the backup runs, even though only a few files within the folder have changed. If you're not using dated backup sets, then it should work fine for you as the datestamp on all of the files is correct, and unchanged files are not updated in any way at all. But feel free to play around with the rsync options if you choose. On my system, the timestamps are not changing
  16. Internet slang. Opening post or original poster. In this case it means opening post (first post of thread)
  17. Squid

    Docker FAQ

    How do I get a command prompt within a docker application? docker exec -it NameOfContainer /bin/bash Or by clicking on the docker's icon from dashboard / docker tab, select "Shell"
  18. Squid

    Docker FAQ

    If I need to delete my docker.img file, will I lose my application's settings, etc? No. Pretty much any application available on the apps tab stores all of its information outside of the docker.img file and within the Appdata share. Re-adding the applications after recreating the docker.img file is easily done through a variety of methods: - Apps Tab: Go to the Previously installed apps section and reinstall the appropriate application. You can check off multiple apps and have them all installed at once. - Docker Tab, click Add Container, then select the appropriate user template via the template dropdown list Either method will automatically install the apps the exact same way as before. No modifications of the templates should be necessary. After the downloads are completed, it will be like nothing ever happened.
  19. Squid

    Docker FAQ

    Fix Common Problems plugin is complaining about UD Mounted paths not mounted with the Slave Option. What do I do? See here:
  20. Squid

    Docker FAQ

    Fix Common Problems plugin is complaining about Container Port x not found or changed on installed applications. What do I do? As a general rule, there is absolutely zero need for you to ever edit the container port for any given application. (And unRaid 6.3+ makes this harder to do). Only ever edit the Host port. There are however some cases where the template author / maintainer adds in an extra port to support an extra feature, etc for the application. Your best course of action is always to ask in the appropriate support thread for the application.
  21. Squid

    Docker FAQ

    I've told {App-X} to look / move / copy files via SMB to my server. Why doesn't it work? Each docker application runs in its own virtualized network, and generally has no access to any SMB shares, etc that may also be available within your network. To work around this, install the Unassigned Devices plugin (available on the apps tab), and mount a Remote SMB share with it. Then, on the application's template, add an appropriate volume mapping to that Unassigned Devices mount point. Don't forget to set the Access Mode to be either RW:slave or Read Only:slave depending upon what you need.
  22. Squid

    Docker FAQ

    I need help with an application? What information should I supply? To begin with, for the best visibility for your post, always post in the appropriate support thread for the application. To find the proper support thread, go to the Apps tab and then the Installed Apps section (depending upon the problem, you may need to go to the Previous Apps section), find the application application and click on the support link. At the very least, you should post the docker "run" command that will appear when you install / edit the application (you can always make any change and then change it back and hit "Apply" to get the docker run command to appear In many cases, the logs from the application are also very useful (Switch to advanced in the top right) (Note that many applications also have their own specific application logs which can be accessed via the GUI.) Also, keep in mind this particular post from @CHBMB (Even though he is venting, his points are valid). Bear in mind that everyone helping you (or trying to) are volunteers with limited time https://forums.unraid.net/topic/80776-lsio-are-spammers-and-must-be-stopped/?tab=comments#comment-751288 and that the more information you can supply them, the more likely they are to help you.
  23. Squid

    Docker FAQ

    How can I run other docker applications that are not listed within the App tab? Try enabling dockerHub searches within CA (Settings - CA General settings). Search for the container you wish to add. When adding it, CA will attempt to gather all the relevant information about the application and create an XML that unRaid can use. This is not however an exact science, and there are no rules anywhere that state that any particular dockerfile present on dockerHub must export the various paths and ports that it uses. There is no substitute for actually reading the directions on dockerHub on how to actually run the container itself, and then adding the appropriate paths, ports, etc to the template itself. Here's an explanation of how to manually extract the information from the dockerfile to use in the template
  24. Squid

    Docker FAQ

    My docker.img file is filling up due to excessive logging from various apps Some applications will log almost everything that they do. In cases of your docker.img file filling up due to excessive logging, you should look at the application's settings within its GUI and try to limit the logging that it performs. Additionally, you can limit any docker's logging to a set size by adding the following to the Extra Parameters when you edit the application template (Switch to advanced view via the button in the top right corner) --log-opt max-size=50m --log-opt max-file=1 This will limit the log size to a very reasonable 50 Meg EDIT: DO NOT USE THE LOG ROTATION OPTION IN UNRAID LISTED BELOW. IT IS NOT OBVIOUS THE STEPS REQUIRED TO MAKE IT WORK PROPERLY For the log rotation settings to take effect, you MUST remove and reinstall your containers (or delete the docker image). It is advised to instead use the extra parameters section instead * Under unRaid 6.7.0+, the logging options now insert the appropriate entries into the entra parameters, but you still basically have to remove and then re-add the container EDIT: As of unRaid 6.4.0-rc7 you can set this globally for all applications by: Settings - Docker Stop the service Switch to advanced view Enable the logging rotation option accordingly Restart the service
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