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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Oh ok. I see what you're saying now... Yeah you're right. I'll disable the update checks enabled if auto update checks are enabled Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  2. Is FCP up to date. (i thought I did remove it) Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  3. Quote the post, double click each link, copy the URL text and in another tab search for that text, then copy the URL back.... I was bored. All the links in IPS that reference specific messages that were imported over from SMF stopped working a week or so ago... (And no, I will never be bored enough to go through every post in IPS to fix the URLs)
  4. How can I stop mover from running? (Possibly unRaid 6.3.3+ only) Since you can't stop the array while mover is running, in order to stop mover either from an SSH terminal or from the local keyboard / monitor, enter in the following mover stop Reference:
  5. Updated the links since the ones in the OP are no longer working... (Yes I had nothing else to do )
  6. I've been seeing a couple of threads like this recently With increasing CPU speeds, RAM, and installed containers, the default settings might not be sufficient in certain cases. Wondering if it wouldn't be a bad idea to add in to tips & tweaks an option to increase the max # of open files (ulimit -n xxxxxx)
  7. Admittedly, I don't use this app, but I find it curious that the input path is showing /input/...., but the output path isn't showing /output/...., but rather a path in the root fs of the container. Do you have the app configured properly?
  8. Rob, since you have a decent clue as to what posts were originally linked here, you've got to update the url's as for some reason, basically none of them are working. To help you, if you edit the URL's to remove the specific message you can at least get to the topic. From there find the msg and then update the url again in the post
  9. Here's the consistent way to reproduce: Edit a script, make a change, then cancel Edit a different script. The first script will still be there. Fixed The + sign thingy: Fixed
  10. I was bored.... But, if I'm so renowned, then you can do this: But yeah, as @saarg says, why pass through a GPU if you aren't going to use it? But as for your answer as to which has the lowest latency the GPU will by far have the lowest latency (as in none)
  11. If you want vnc when using a graphics card you have to install a vnc server on the VM (or connect via rdp if a windows vm)
  12. Yeah, odds on... Install the update and try it again
  13. Interesting... Your disks.ini has a slightly different structure than mine. Mine has a cache drive entry with it being not present, but yours doesn't have a cache entry at all. Not saying there's anything wrong on your end however. An easy fix for me to implement
  14. not really docker kill should've stopped the container. Wait til the par check is done...
  15. pretty much. But if you're using dated backup sets, then the existing sets will eventually get deleted on their own accord. Non dated sets, then only new files will get written to the replacement disk (when using user)
  16. Switching it to user, it will still pick up everything and do a delta of the existing backup(s), and save the files according to the share's include / exclude / split levels Switching it to another disk in the plugin itself, and it won't know about the existing backup(s)
  17. Additionally, since the mount for path 3 is done via UD and is external to your server, the mappings must be set to RW:SLAVE (edit the path on the template, and change the access mode)
  18. @aptalca I think I'm going to add a comment within CA about Zoneminder. Basically stating that while functional, its going to be stuck at 1.29
  19. Edge case - CA doesn't enforce blacklisting on Previous Apps just in case you need / want to reinstall it for whatever reason. It will never allow you to install it from the available apps though....
  20. Re-read your post, and totally missed where you said no SSD or cache. Yeah, can you give me your diagnostics... thx EDIT: my bad. My secondary server (which also has no cache drive) passed the tests because for some unknown reason I had SSD Trim installed (no clue why I would!?!) Fixed...
  21. Nope.. It is exactly what it says it is. Your performance is going to go downhill because your SSD cache drive won't trim itself. Install Dynamix SSD Trim via the apps tab.
  22. Update FCP... I removed that test a couple of versions ago
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