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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Since its probably doing this when running the extended tests, just add those folders to the excluded section If that warning is from the regular test, then just hit ignore on it. Full AD integration and checking on its own unique permissions, etc isn't something that's going to happen with this plugin.
  2. Not belated, but rather delayed Apparently the delay was set for 1 week. ;D Couple of months actually
  3. Presumably, you've got separate lines for the molex connectors and the sata connectors coming off of the drive. If you have to split the power to handle the number of drives, even on a single rail supply, you really want to balance the load between those sets of wires from the supply. You don't explicitly specify the model # of the supply, but if its a CX430, then you've got 32A on the 12v line available when the supply was new. Round figures, you can count on a drive taking up ~2A during spinup's, so if/when all the drives spin up together (parity checks / rebuilds, etc), then you're drawing 20A. But you also have to remember that the CPU also draws from the 12V rail, and depending upon the CPU it can pretty much be 8-10A itself when not idle. So you worst case scenario is a draw of around 28-30A on a supply that can handle 32A when new (and as supplies age they cannot handle their rated draw). Entirely up to you, but IMO the supply is a bit small to handle 10 drives.
  4. http://www.wallpaperup.com/wallpaper/download/184490[/img]
  5. lsio doesn't publish the repository address anymore (and they're not alone in that) They pretty much expect that you have Community Applications installed
  6. Got a feeling it's midnight. but might be wrong.... The time is set by the dynamic schedules plugin currently Sent from my SM-T560NU using Tapatalk
  7. Possibly a silly question, but would a swap file in the container help with this? Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  8. All my array drives are XFS with no problems as a destination. But UD adds another layer of complexity to it. Best advice is try and see.
  9. Nothing I can do about that. Perhaps the destination filesystem doesn't support hardlinks, etc. Either way, rsync is returning errors, so as far as ca is concerned, the backup failed. You could try playing with the rsync options (google rsync man page), but no guarantees EDIT: If you load the log, then isolate the lines that have rsync in them, that's going to be the failure lines. Would really only need a sampling of them for myself (or other people) to help out
  10. Not a problem.... Don't particularly run VMs, so beyond the xml I don't know what to back up that contains static data Thanks alot Squid. Just bought you a beer for that one !! Thanks for the beer. Appreciate it [emoji2] Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  11. Not a problem.... Don't particularly run VMs, so beyond the xml I don't know what to back up that contains static data
  12. No icon for it in settings. You'll see it in the docker tab Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  13. I just saw the "Execution Error" on another container. Nothing in the logs, but a reboot of the server fixed it...
  14. Ahh, thank you. I misunderstood "destination" to mean they'll be copied to the backup destination (which they are by the end of it). Obviously not a problem - thanks for your time. I know that it's a little strange at first glance. (Personally, I use separate destinations for both to keep everything cleaner)
  15. If you set USB / VM Backups to be same destination as appdata, then the process is that they are first copied to the appdata share, and then the backup proceeds from there. So, yes they should be there.
  16. /mnt/user/appdata encompasses /mnt/cache/appdata When setting the mapping on the template, either will work just fine as long as you are running 6.2+. For 6.1.x you need to use /mnt/cache/appdata My understanding is that lsio redoes the permissions on the appdata folders with every restart of the app, so you might have other issues happening. My be wise to post the docker's log, and the diagnostics to be safe.
  17. A plugin to extend the autostart options for docker applications. This plugin will give you the option to explicitly select the order that docker apps will start up in (useful if one app depends upon another to be up and running), and also gives you selectable delays between starts of each app ( to give the first app time to get up and running properly, or to reduce disk thrashing by only trying to load a single app at a time vs loading 10 simultaneously) Each app has a selectable start delay after the previous app in the list starts up (defaults to 5 seconds, but can be set to any value, or no delay at all) Note that any app which this plugin manages will appear on the normal Docker Containers screen as having autostart off You can also combine management of autostart between unRaid itself, and this plugin. Note: This plugin requires unRaid 6.3.0-rc2+ It will not install under any previous version, and CA will not display this plugin as being available on incompatible unRaid versions Install this plugin via CA ( search for Docker autostart)
  18. How I did it. Still have to move everything else off via mover however. And the upshot is that you still have the contents on the original drive if you happen to have a catastrophic failure on the array in the process.
  19. Just as a future reference, mover is painfully slow at doing this with regards to appdata shares, simply because mover checks every single file to see if its in use (and skips it if its not). In my case, with a Plex appdata that has ~200,000 files in it, mover takes about 5 hours to move the files, whereas CA's appdata backup and restore will do the same thing in about 1 hour (Appdata backup / restore stops the docker apps in advance and then assumes (correctly) that the files aren't in use) Net result is the same however...
  20. Should work if you have the libraries set up for the media in /mnt/user/Movies and /TV
  21. Don't know about the transcoding, but if you kept your original appdata, you might have simply forgotten to map the media folders back in the template
  22. http://i.huffpost.com/gadgets/slideshows/229067/slide_229067_1027946_free.jpg[/img] - Fixed: Prevent a second trip of the monitoring from making another copy of the backup share configs while in read-only mode. (This is a situation most likely caused by misconfiguration of the placement of the files and having them put into a folder (such as Downloads) that are likely to be deleted)
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