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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Just keep in mind that since they are an OEM unit, the warranty is with the reseller, NOT WD. Under specifications, it outright says 1 Year Warranty from Reseller. WD / Seagate both will sell high volume resellers drives with NO warranty at a reduced price, and then let the OEM slap whatever warranty they feel like. (I had a HD pull from a Lacie box that was like that)
  2. To use the new mapping, you will also have to re-add the container using the FoldingAtHome Template. Not the My-FoldingAtHome Template
  3. Go to bed then... BTW, I do love this docker. Been waiting for it for a bit.
  4. Here's my problems: - Start the container. Everything is good. Change the user from the UI. Stop the container. Config.XML does not get updated with the new user information. - Restart the container. UI shows the user I changed it to (config.xml does not) Whats the point of the config.xml if it doesn't reflect the most up to date information available? - Stop the container. Change the user via the config.xml. Restart the container. UI says its still the old user Once again, what's the point? - Delete config.xml. Remove the container and image. Re-add the container. Stop The container. Modify config.xml for a different user. Restart. UI shows the updated user. - Change the user via the UI. Stop container. config.xml doesn't reflect the change. Restart container, and UI still shows the changed user. Its messed up that any change in the UI overrides the config.xml, and could cause alot of confusion as to why things aren't working the way they should be. I would think (not sure however) that all of the settings operate like this, not just the username. Why not just hide the config.xml completely and do all of the basic config via the UI, or for the more advanced settings through the FAH Client Advanced settings? But then again as the previous poster stated, the 'allow v' setting might need to change depending upon your network settings. EDIT: On second thought, since only the team and username are accessible via the UI, just add a comment to the xml that any changes made via the UI override these settings
  5. Completely virgin install: root@localhost:# /usr/bin/docker logs --tail=350 FoldingAtHome *** Running /etc/my_init.d/firstrun.sh... /etc/my_init.d/firstrun.sh: line 7: syntax error near unexpected token `done' /etc/my_init.d/firstrun.sh: line 7: ` done' *** /etc/my_init.d/firstrun.sh failed with status 2 *** Killing all processes... *** Running /etc/my_init.d/firstrun.sh... /etc/my_init.d/firstrun.sh: line 7: syntax error near unexpected token `done' /etc/my_init.d/firstrun.sh: line 7: ` done' *** /etc/my_init.d/firstrun.sh failed with status 2 *** Killing all processes...
  6. Now I can stop banging my head against the wall
  7. I had created a user, and just now installed your update, and noticed that the UI has reverted back to anonymous, but config.xml still is showing my username. Also related, if I change my username via the UI, then config.xml does not get updated with the relevant information. But, if I stop / start the UI then the updated info is still there. Not a big deal, but confusing if you're trying to modify something by hand Nevermind, Notepad++ is playing games with me. EDIT: It looks like you solved the continually trying to start FAH issue
  8. I can access the webUI no problems on port 7396. It allows basic control on F@H. And, it doesn't require F@H to be installed locally. Granted, you have more controls through F@H Control Advanced if you install it locally, but for basic start / stop / idle control, the WebUI is all you need.
  9. Thank You! Any advice on why runit keeps trying to launch FAHClient even when it has already been started? See logs from squid above as example. I deleted my post because I asked a stupid question and didn't completely read the OP . But, here's the logs: Starting fahclient ... FAILED fahclient seems to be already running with PID 35 Starting fahclient ... FAILED fahclient seems to be already running with PID 35 Starting fahclient ... FAILED fahclient seems to be already running with PID 35 Starting fahclient ... FAILED fahclient seems to be already running with PID 35 Starting fahclient ... FAILED fahclient seems to be already running with PID 35 Starting fahclient ... FAILED fahclient seems to be already running with PID 35 Starting fahclient ... FAILED fahclient seems to be already running with PID 35 Starting fahclient ... FAILED fahclient seems to be already running with PID 35 Starting fahclient ... FAILED fahclient seems to be already running with PID 35 Starting fahclient ... FAILED fahclient seems to be already running with PID 35
  10. Lol.... Yeah, I missed that line in the OP... Too many beers after work.
  11. Awesome been looking for this for a bit.
  12. Beyond setting your flashdrive back up from scratch, I don't know how to reset the root password. Maybe send a PM to jonp or limetech for help
  13. Did you try root as the username and no password?
  14. Squid


    Create (or modify) the appdata share, and under the use cache disk setting select "only" Using my example paths, you'd tell the docker to move processed downloads to the /TV directory (which means it will wind up on /mnt/user/Television) I don't use NZBGet, so I'm not sure about that. Sounds like a permissions problem. But, make sure that next to the host path for it that its read/write
  15. Squid


    There are two different paths that you have to set for each container The container volume - This is the path that the container is going to see (it is local to the docker container, and bears no relationship to any path contained on your server) The Host path - This is the path that the container path is mapped to. (These are the local paths that you see when browsing through your server) So, for something like Sickbeard, the default container paths are /config, /downloads, and /tv. When you're setting up sickbeard, you're going to see those paths in its webui You'd probably use something like this: /mnt/user/appdata/sickbeard for the /config /mnt/user/appdata/downloads for the /downloads (or where ever your downloads wind up going) /mnt/user/Television for the /TV When you're setting up sickbeard, you're going to see folders called /config, /downloads, and /TV. When you look in them, you'll see that the contents are identical to /mnt/user/appdata/sickbeard, /mnt/user/appdata/downloads, and /mnt/user/Television Generally, you create a new share called "appdata" and change its settings to be "cache only" to force that directory to stay on the cache drive. A bit confusing until you actually set one up and see how it works in practice
  16. 6% is a bit high, but if they are only coming through the WAN and not the LAN there may not be anything you can do about it.
  17. Packet loss isn't a major problem as long as its not excessive, but if you really want to diagnose it you can check out https://kb.meraki.com/knowledge_base/troubleshooting-packet-loss On WAN connections (out to the internet), packet loss is going to happen. Nothing you can do about it. The internet is way too convoluted to expect 100% perfect transmission of 100% of packets 100% of the time. run ping google.com for a couple of hours and you'll see the odd packet dropped. If LAN packets are being dropped however the odds are most likely either a bad / flakely port on the switch / router or cabling issue. Ping another computer in your house to see. Cabling you may or may not be able to anything about. It could be as simple as a bad termination, or a kink in the wire or tie straps too tight (changing the electrical characteristics) (in an ideal world, tie straps are never used on data cables), or running too close to power wires. Or, lightning could have induced a momentary RF surge and scrambled a packet or two. Net result: If its not an issue, don't worry about it. I would far rather have a dropped packet than for a corrupted packet to have been received and not recognized. My ifconfig is currently reporting 4315 dropped packets out of a total of 44707839 for a total loss of 0.00965%, and the computer is constantly downloading. My other server which only contacts the internet for plugin updates, etc reports a loss of 0.00011% The OP's percentage is 6514 / 110009239 = 0.0059% Hardly earth shattering. For comparision, for VOIP applications, packet loss up to 20% is acceptable
  18. I think that this is going to be super useful to me in one circumstance which I just found: MariaDB & Sabnzbd competing for resources. I just tried to use my HTPC (separate computer) running XBMC, and it would take FOREVER to navigate around the movies (minutes) A little investigation found that sab was unpacking a 40gig d/l at the time and was taking up all of the resources and there was little to none left for XBMC to communicate with the Maria docker image. I'm going to try pinning Sab to a single core (I don't really care if unpacking takes a little longer) and see how that works. Hopefully then everything will stay usuable no matter what Sab is doing. I'm assuming that setting the cpuset parameter on the sab docker will still allow my other dockers to use any/all other cores available. If this doesn't work, then I guess that the bottleneck is on the cache drive itself, and will have to move Sab over to a docker on my other server.
  19. My problem is that the Kindle App doesn't pick up the mobi books unless I move them from the download directory to its storage directory. But, my epub reader will pick them up from downloads. Now the long process of converting everything over to epub. grr
  20. Its superfast with 30k books (mobi) and 10k PDF. I can only dream of having 200k books lol
  21. Since its not completely obvious, first time running go to Change the IP address to suit
  22. I'm having some problems with this. I want to automatically stop MySQL from running when I stop the array. The exerpt from my go file is: mkdir -p /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/mysql/event/unmounting_disks/ cp /boot/mysqlstop /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/mysql/event/unmounting_disks chmod +x /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/mysql/event/unmounting_disks/ my "mysqlstop" file is: cd / mysqladmin shutdown I've installed MySQL without a password so that it shuts down without waiting for user input. However, it doesn't appear that my script is ever run. The script itself works fine, as I can execute it no problems from the console. The syslog doesn't give any errors that I can find. I have tried both stopping_svcs and unmounting_disks as events. I'm running 5.0RC11, because 5.0 final locks up intermittently on my system because of one of the other plug-ins which I am running. I haven't gotten around yet to isolating the plug in which is causing the issue, but it is MySQL which is preventing the disks from unmounting Any help would be appreciated. syslog-2013-09-28.txt
  23. Just ordered one of the badges. Waiting for the new shipment of them to come in though. Tom just replaced my Pro key for a flash drive that was going bad at no charge, so I figured that I would shoot him $10 for a badge. What comes around goes around
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