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Everything posted by deadsoulz

  1. Mine was DNS as well. Wierd. It worked fine for years with my router as the dns 1 entry
  2. Yeah 0 bytes are being pulled from the dockers with updates.
  3. Same Behavior. Never updates, though the update process says it completed fine......
  4. Anyone else seeing this? After you try to upgrade a docker when it shows available, you go through the update, but nothing happens. Goes back to same version it had before.
  5. We need this. The Hck should work with Maxwell, Ampere and Hopefully LoveLace. Anyone Try the Plugin? Does it work on latest?
  6. Anyone elses HDHomerUn no longer showing up? I can' t re-add it either, it just sits and spins.......
  7. I got the update to beta 35, the nvidia-plugin installed, patch installed, but doesn't seem to be working in plex docker. I added --runtime=nvidia to the extras line in docker......is that it? N
  8. I am having the same problem. Wether I leave it default or specify a login and password when installing the docker it doesn't let me login. It seems to want an email for the username, but even if I specify a full email address it doesn't work.
  9. Looks like your /media/muziek1 directory has some corruption. Maybe check permissions on that directory and files and make sure they match the rest of your files.
  10. Thanks I got it running, now I am running into a problem with the ComicRN.py in SABNzbd. "Cannot run script /config/scripts/ComicRN.py" If I run it via cmd line it works fine.
  11. Never change the port via the webui inside the container, just remap the port via the docker setup on the host side only. I am pretty sure thats all I did, was edit the port# during the Docker setup.
  12. Anyone running this on a non default port of 8090? I am trying to run it on 8088 and I can never get the webgui to come up. Any ideas? Its like its ignoring my changes, and still trying on 8090
  13. I just did the latest update on openvpn and now the openvpn admin username no longer accepts my password.....Any Ideas?
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