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Everything posted by rojarrolla

  1. Thanks, would you mind telling me where to start? This is what I see from my root directory in unraid. Sorry I'm not very experienced with linux, I understand a little bit. Thanks!
  2. Thanks! I've seen those instructions, and I tried to do it, however, the ISC-DHCP-Glass terminal also becomes unavailable and I can not reach those directories. Is there a way to reach them outside docker? Thanks!
  3. Hi to everyone, I am trying to set up a video surveilance server with shinobi over Unraid. The thing is, that I want to use 2 separate NICS, one to access the cameras and the other to connect Unraid to my home network. I have, finally, made Shinobi work, but I'm still having issues with the cameras. Since I don´t want to use them with fixed IP adresses, but rather with DHCP adresses assigned from the UNRAID server. So, I start glasss-isc-dhcp and after a couple of minutes it stops. That is one thing, the other is that I can not even edit the DHCP config at the GUI, because it asks me for a username and password because my connection its not private. Here is the screen shot: And if I try to use "glassadmin" and "glasspassword" It wouldn't recognize them. And after a couple of minutes the Glass stops responding so it does not mater what you type in, the system turns useless anyway. So it is two issues in one. I don't know if it is a problem when the databases are crated at the moment of the installation. So, if the database is not installed correctly, there will be no reference data to compare the user and the password I am typing to the one that should be stored in the database. I am thinking that the login problem is a result of the database one, fixing the database problem should solve the login problem. Here is a copy of my log, I hope that you can help me understand what is going on so I can solve this issue. Thanks a lot. Cheers! ISC DHCP GLASS Log.txt
  4. I'm having a similar issue with the glass-isc-dhcp docker. I sart it and after 1 or 2 minutes it crashes. These are the errors I'm getting from the logs: "Error: Command failed: ./bin/dhcpd-pools -c /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf -l /var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases -f j -A -s e" and "npm ERR! Failed at the [email protected] start script."
  5. Hello! Did it work for you? I installed it but when I want to access it with the GUI it tells me that it is unreachable. Cheers
  6. Hi, I'm setting up Shinobi. And I would like my cameras to be in a separate network. I have a Dell Poweredge T320 with 2 ethernet cards. The first one is used to access my network, and the second one will connect to the ip Cameras (They are RLC 410 from Reolink). I think I might be able to set fixed IP addresses for all the cameras, but I am wondering if I can setup a DHCP server for the cameras on the second ethernet card. If one camera fails, it is easier to just replace it and configure it in Shinobi. The tutorial from Spaceinvader one, speaks a little bit about it, but it is not the same thing, because he uses a VLan which uses his same switch and fixed Ip addresses for the IP Cameras. Has any of you sone something like this? Thanks in advance for your time and your input. Cheers
  7. Hi! I don´t know why nobody replied you, I did the same thing, bought a T320 diskless and I am using with 10 TB SAS drives from seagate. So far I have not dealt with Plex yet, however, It runs unraid and Im currently installing shinobi. The only thing I had to do was install a Perc H310 card flashed to LS so It could work with Unraid. You have a better processor than me, I have the E5-2403. However, what you have should be able to handle 4K streaming without transcoding. The power from the CPUS is needed when you need to transcode a higher definition to a lower one. If the device that is receiving the stream is capable of handling 4k, the one that streams it does not need that much power. Good Luck!
  8. Ok, many thanks repomanz! I din't get it at the first time. This is what I did and I hope it help others: I tryed to open the terminal window from the container, it said that it did not exist. So I went to the main console and wrote the first instruction: "docker exec -ti shinobipro sh" - If I'm not misstaken (sorry I'm not an IT guy or I understand a lot of linux) this instruction created the docker console for shinobi. The next instructions you gave me ( mysql source sql/framework.sql; source sql/user.sql; ) didn't work, I don't know why. But now that the docker console was created I could log in and from ther I could do the steps mentioned in the shinoby article in this webpage: https://hub.shinobi.video/articles/view/wcz3OabYEfOhS7h If you don't want to go to the webpage, here are the instrucions: Installing the database for MariaDB/MySQL 1. Navigate to your Shinobi directory cd /home/Shinobi 2. Open the MariaDB/MySQL Terminal client. mysql 3. Load the SQL files. framework.sql is the database architecture. user.sql are the credentials for Shinobi to connect to the database. source sql/framework.sql; source sql/user.sql; 4. Exit the SQL client exit; 4. If you need to enable the mysql database type you can run the following. node tools/modifyConfiguration.js databaseType=mysql 5. Restart Shinobi pm2 restart all. I have to tell you that I got some errors, but then I went and check shinobi's log, I finally got Shinobi up and running: So now I can continue configuring my shinobi, and I hope that you can too. Thanks a lot for your patience and understanding, I don't know what I did wrong when installing Shinobi, that its docker console wasn`t created, thus, the database wasn´t created either rendering my shinoby useless. I'll see you around because I know I will have more doubts! Cheers
  9. Thanks a lot for your patience and your time. I did as you said, but, I guess it didn´t work. Here is the terminal window print. At the end it reads : sh: sql/user.sql: line 1: CREATE: not found sh: sql/user.sql: line 2: GRANT: not found sh: sql/user.sql: line 3: FLUSH: not found Here is the screenshot: Thank you for your valuable time.
  10. So OK, even though I made a misstake regarding the Drives, I fixed it, and now I can get to Shinobi's GUI, however I get the next message: I kow what your are thinking, and you are right: "Why didn´t you do as indicated in that error message?". The answer is simple, I just cant even find shinobi's directory! I know many of you are pulling rabbits from your hats, but believe me, istalling unraid was the easy part, configuring it to work is way harder. There is my log file again. Shinobi Log.txt Thanks in advance. Cheers!
  11. Sorry, not following U. What container? Thx. UPDATE: My misstake, I did something very dumb! I accidentally assigned my "unassigned drive" as the cache drive, thus it dissapeared from unassigned devices, Im re-installing Shinobi, let me see how it goes and I'll keeo you posted.
  12. Hi all, I installed shinobi pro, but at the end of the installation, I get all kinds of errors. Here is my installation log: Any tips? Shinobi Log.txt
  13. Hello, I need a little help with The Unassigned Devices app, Installed it correctly and I formated my drives, but then I started the array with only 1 disc and no parity disc to enable dockers and install Shinobi, and now, shinobi starts with errors and my unassigned drive disappeared. Do you know why? I had that problem before, and I realized that unassigned devices disappear after you install apps after it. Maybe the app install process is corrupting Unassigned devices files. Any Hint? Here is my diagnostics file. Thanks in advance. tower-diagnostics-20200601-1334.zip
  14. Hello, I can assign my drives to the array, they are shown in the dashbard at Unasigned Devices, but they show no temperature. It it was working fine at the beginning, but now at the main tab the drives are not shown. However, I can get a warning when temperature goes up. Here is my diagnostics file. Thanks tower-diagnostics-20200529-0001.zip
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