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Everything posted by dmacias

  1. I had the same experience as you. I bought the same Noctua NF F12's in hopes to bring my temps down before the skirt mod. They brought my temps down maybe 5° to low 40°s @ ~1100 rpms but would creep up towards high 40°s during party checks. With the skirt mod I run them in smart mode. They sit at 30° @ 600 rpms. And mid to high 30°s @ 800-900 rpms during parity checks/rebuilds. I also always had the filters on. Also my board won't control 3pin fans, so the stock fans ran fast and loud. These are 4 pin pwm so they are controllable. I think they are great fans. But without the skirt they still wouldn't cut it with this case.
  2. There's a vpn server plugin or I setup a vpn through my asus router
  3. The one thing I worry about though is if you have a terminal open to a path under /mnt the array won't stop. Maybe I could stop then restart the daemon on array stop.
  4. The package manager isn't very smart. The old under installed just means Perl is already installed but not by NerdPack. What version unRAID are you on? Older versions had Perl. It might also be left over from another plugin if you uninstalled it. You could deselect it. Apply. Reselect. Apply. As long as is selected it will be installed on server start up.
  5. I didn't forget about you. Added fdupes. Added jhead. I thought sqlite was already part of unRAID.
  6. This plugin wouldn't help you unless you plan to mount the drive in unRAID then use 9p sharing in your linux vm. If you want the whole disk you will have to add the disk by device id to your vm config. I don't believe the vm manager supports this. So you'll have to manually edit your xml and add something like this <disk type='block' device='disk'> <driver name='qemu' type='raw' cache='none' io='native'/> <source dev='/dev/disk/by-id/ata-WDC_WD7500BPKX-00HPJT0_WD-WXL1E84AK1MK'/> <target dev='hdb' bus='virtio'/> </disk> You could also partition a drive with multiple positions and add just one which would look like this ata-WDC_WD7500BPKX-00HPJT0_WD-WXL1E84AK1MK-part1
  7. The uninstall and delete switches only apply to non/deselected packages. So if you deselect a package and click apply it will uninstall and/or delete the package based on install and download status as well as switch on/off status. The problem is if a package is installed outside of the plugin or package storage directory via command line or other plugin. I added a plg file check that will eliminate uninstalling packages used by other plugins and will show the plugins that are dependent on them. I'll add it to the next update.
  8. I had set all my python plugins e.g. Speedtest to use Eric's version of python and to download it to Nerdpack packages directory even though I wasn't using Nerdpack myself. That way I wouldn't overwrite versions of python when the Speedtest plugin was installed. And would use the python that was already installed by Nerdpack. I was thinking I would make it so Nerdpack will only uninstalled packages that are downloaded by it. But that could still result in uninstalling packages needed by other plugins. Maybe I could parse all the plg files for packages during uninstall and give a warning that a plugin is using that package.
  9. Yeah, shame on me. I have used this before, and just installed it and tried to run it. We need to put a notice on page one that says. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + Stop Idiot ---- this has changed to a GUI + (you can find the GUI on the Settings Page) + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ An ID 10 T error.
  10. Or here https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dmacias72/unRAID-plugins/master/plugins/NerdPack.plg
  11. I won't make it just hard drive temps. A drop down for each fan with any temp sensor, cpu, mb, hard drive (possibly a drop down checklist of hard drives like the shares menu). Also some global temp min/max.
  12. I went ahead and installed the standard Fan Auto Control plugin just to check it out, but I'm having trouble interpreting it. Is this how it works? * Below the Low temp threshold, fan speed is set to the "Minimum PWM value" * Above the High temp threshold, fan speed is set to 100% * Between the thresholds, fan speed increases linearly as the temp increases Is that what it is doing? Assuming I'm on the right track... it appears that this just looks at the motherboard temp. Can we also take hard drive temps (and maybe even the CPU temp) into consideration somehow? Also, the current IPMI Tool plugin can display the RPM of multiple fans, will it be able to control the speed of multiple fans too? Thanks! I reinstalled the fan plugin and your right about the way it works except it just monitors hard drive temps. I think my plan then is to have a temp source (an ipmi temp or hd avg) for each fan with min and max temp values then and a min rpm/value for each fan. Then linearly control them between min and max temp and anything equal or greater than max is full on.
  13. What's your full read out of "ipmitool -vc sdr"?
  14. I'll look into it. I just always installed the temp plugin too since it shows my system and cpu temp just no fans. But if I included it then I won't need the other plugin. Plus ipmitool is more or less based on a standard with more accurate sensor names and readings. Plus there's no sensor.conf wizardry involved.
  15. Ok thanks. I'll have to add more logic.
  16. I from what I could find out, I don't believe your board has ipmi. A better option would be the dynamix temp and fan plugins
  17. Yes you can delete the ipmitool directory. I had to change the plugin name to ipmitool-plugin because it conflicted with the ipmitool txz package when using removepkg and upgradepkg during install/remove of the plugin. Thanks for pointing that out. I'll have it removed on next release. I might need a little pushing. l seriously had planned to start on the fan control the past couple weeks since I went through this plugin and updated it but other things came up. I would like some feedback on the layout or settings for fan control. I had planned to model it after the dynamix fan control plugin.
  18. I'd say try the stock cooler first. Why spend the money if it works. Also I can attest to the skirt mod for the ds380. It changed my hard drive temps dramatically. Especially during parity syncs and checks.
  19. No. It's just looking for the cfg that doesn't exist until you save settings in the settings menu. I have a fix in the next version to create a default cfg file if one doesn't exist. The cfg is just for remote use or the event daemon so it won't affect anything. If you enable remote or daemon then a cfg file will be created.
  20. That's what I was about say. Thanks for pointing out the problem.
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