While this solution works, it does not allow host access, so it's not really a solution.
1) macvlan + host access = bridged containers are able to talk to containers that has static ip's but it crashes the server
2) ipvlan + host access = bridged containers are able to talk to containers that has static ip's but server loses connection to the outside after a while
3) ipvlan + no host access = no crashes or connection issues, but bridged containers are unable to talk to containers that has static ip's
4) this solution = works the exact same as option 3
So an example, to get nginx proxy manager to work with bridged containers or to make bridged containers use my adguard home which has a static ip, I will have to use option 1 or 2 which will result in either crashes or drop of connection to the outside.
this solution is no solution at all but a bandaid for people using macvlan without host access.
It's so frustrating