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Everything posted by netsrot303

  1. there is a file on the container in /monero folder.
  2. it is not a fresh install, and i did not use any adblocker. the container has been running for long time, but suddenly i got the error
  3. I have the same error. @ich777 My Monero Container is running on a Proxmox LXC Container with portainer. it worked all the time, but just now i tried to reach the vnc site but nothing worked
  4. I have also tried setting up ghostfolio. I have installed redis and pstgresql-14. I also added the variable "REDIS_PORT" to ghostfolio. All three containers run in the same network (bridge). The Redis and postgres container are running after starting the Ghostfolio container I can't get into the console of the container (Error response from daemon: Container c1..... is not running).
  5. I also tested the "tunneled remote access" once. When I am connected, I can only access the Unraid website. I cannot view any other page on the World Wide Web. Does anyone have any ideas? Maybe @bonienl?
  6. I unfortunately can't access my existing network with vpn connected. I can only access my Unraid server via the local Ip. I can't access the other network devices that are in the same network. I have chosen "remote access to lan" as peer type.
  7. Is the update already released? With the current RC7 the bug still exists? Yes I'm really only interested in establishing the connection via ipv6. Internally ipv4 is good.
  8. i have already deleted the tunnel completely. As soon as I try to create a new peer via the GUI and then start the WG server, it immediately shuts down again. Edit: The problem seems to be when I try to create a configuration for ipv4 and ipv6. Unfortunately I can only create a configuration for ipv4 only. But since I have a cgnat connection I am dependent on ipv6. But with the older versions it still worked.
  9. After upgrading from RC5 to RC7, my wireguard tunnel no longer starts. When I try to activate the inactivity button the display immediately jumps back to inactive. May 6 17:53:38 Server wireguard: Tunnel WireGuard-wg0 started A wireguard process is not running either.
  10. After upgrading from RC5 to RC7, my wireguard tunnel no longer starts. When I try to activate the inactivity button the display immediately jumps back to inactive. May 6 17:53:38 Server wireguard: Tunnel WireGuard-wg0 started A wireguard process is not running either.
  11. Gibt es eine Möglichkeit die Weiterleitung auf die .local Domain abzuschalten? Damit ich über https://lokaleIpAdresse auf meinen unraid server zugreifen kann? Wenn möglich sollte es über ssl sein. Ich habe das Feld "local Tld" unter Management Access schon geleert, aber dann erfolgt die Weiterleitung auf den "unraid-Hostnamen" ohne .local und dann komme ich noch nicht mal mehr auf das Webui.
  12. Ich dachte bei rc3 lag es an meinem Browser aber da du ja auch das Problem hast wäre es besser es besser wenn es gemeldet wird.
  13. Guten Morgen, dieses Problem hatte auch auch schon bei rc3.
  14. So, I have another "OS-critical-stop". I have attached the csv file from the syslog server. 1442_os_critical-stop.csv
  15. Hello, I also use a Supermicro board (X10SDV-TLN4F) with unraid 6.9.2 and also had this error three times. Do you have a solution ? How's your troubleshooting going @kfpersson? I read the error via the IPMI APP (Event Log). I write the log now on an external syslog server to see more accurate errors.
  16. Ja danke hat funktioniert. ich denke mal das die txz Datei auch immer in dem "extra" Ordner drin bleiben muss, oder? Wie sieht das sonst aus mit der slackware? Kann man diese bedenkenlos installieren?
  17. Ich bin noch ziemlich neu im Unraid Thema. Den Ordner "extra" gibt es nicht im /boot, darf ich den einfach erstellen?
  18. Autossh würde ich auch gerne nutzen, hat sich da vielleicht etwas geädert? Der link von @mgutt funktioniert leider nicht mehr.
  19. Very nice tutorial thank you. I have always to start the rclone mount script twice. For test I have not yet set crontab. After a restart of the unraid server always comes an error message when I start the mount script in the background. The script aborts but the rclone mount is still created. Then also no mergerfs is created. I have also changed the sleep time to 30 seconds to give the mount more time for the mountcheck. Only when I then start the mount script again it runs correctly and mergerfs is created and the mount point is created. I also have problems with the "mergerfs install check", each time mergerfs is rebuilt.
  20. Hello, the plugin workrs nice with airvpn and wireguard config. Thanks. Unfortunately I noticed that it only works with ipv4 only configuration. Is it possible to connect also to ipv6 endpoint? I also added v6 nameserver (2606:4700:4700::1111) in the variable. But unfortunately the Docker container does not connect to an Airvpn WireGuard v6 endpoint. On my Unraid host, I also have v6 enabled and also get a V6 assigned. I have read the VPN FAQs about this, but unfortunately found nothing about v6. Is this possible at all?
  21. Hello I am trying to start the passthroughvpn container. I have used as provider airvpn, and perfect-privacy. With Airvpn I try WireGuard and openvpn and with perfect-privacy only OpenVpn. With both providers I do not get a VPN connection. I have tested ipv4+6 with both providers but also ipv4 only. With Openvpn I have tested TCP as well as UDP, unfortunately it does not work. With AirVPN/OpenVPN I get this message "2021-12-02 11:50:22.299038 [ERROR] Network is possibly down.
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