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  1. 🤣 That’s nice indeed! With a lot of works, I was able to drop the power consumption to 70W. It’s really tricky but interesting ! However, I forgot that I had to finish this post so thank for the reminder ;)
  2. gyto6

    So, 6.13 when?

    On tomorrow morning after the coffeemaker's finished to boot, so at 1PM. No expected delay's come to my ears. For the content, I wished that a lot about ZFS cache/special drives and properties are integrated within the GUI. Impossible for not instructed users to get straight through ZFS specificities, so links to a solid ZFS documentation should be provided from the Web GUI.
  3. No suspect plugin there... How can't you not access the web GUI? Where does it fail?
  4. From SSH or physically on your server : plugin remove nameOfplgFile.plg Default folder is config/plugins on your OS drive Then reboot your server and install the fresh plugins
  5. Concerning this situation, you can simply wipe a disk and set it as a single ZFS. Then copy your datas back on it, wipe your second disk and add it as a mirror. Your zpool shall be then two devices mirrored. For the perf, don't expect ZFS to speedup your nvme drives. As your supposed to store videos on it, the "simplest" tweak to use are the "Ashift" and "Recordsize" parameters dedicated respectively to zpool and dataset. ZFS benefice only's it ARC read cache mechanism. So if your editing your videos, there are no gain.
  6. ..- ..-. --- / -.. .. -.. -. .----. - / ... - . .- .-.. / -- -.-- / ... --- -.-. -.- ... .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- / .. .----. -- / .- / .... --- -... -... .. - --..-- / .. / .- .-.. .-- .- -.-- ... / .-- .- .-.. -.- / ..-. --- --- - / -. .- -.- . -.. .-.-.-
  7. .- -. -.. / -- --- .-. . / .--. --- ... - ... / .-- .. - .... / -- --- .-. ... . .----. ... / -.-. --- -.. . -.-.--
  8. Indeed ! It's confusing to talk about "storage" within the "memory" section! This kind of information shouldn't be interpreted with the manual. The dashboard must suffice to itself.
  9. Thanks for the answer, better late than never. 😉
  10. Hi, A simple question advertised in the title : does unraid connect IPv6 link actually work ? I can access my server through IPv6 address and dedicated port, but no DNS Record exists on the domain zone myunraid.net to use IPv6 dedicated link. Is this an error from my config or does the team actually manage this troubleshoot from it side? Thanks, PS : Unraid-Api already restarted, server too, disconnect and reconnect to Unraid Connect, nothing seems to work.
  11. Maybe I should put the question that should have been written in your previous post to keep a link with the thread's title. Does SSD works with any Unraid configuration? 1 - If you're using a ZFS Pool, no trouble. ZFS manages any Parity/Cache operation. Leave a "dead" storage in the array to start container. 2 - If you're using the SSD within the array, the TRIM shall break the parity, so it's not functionnal. AFAIK, no logs about Unraid 6.12 mentionned the SSD TRIM and Parity operation if dedicated to the array.
  12. It works. My own system runs only with SSD. No "progress" to be made, it's a simple storage as any other.
  13. Absolutely, It's not worthy to install the new kernel only for ZFS users to use the latest revision. Unraid's stability is above all.
  14. @jonathanselye OpenZFS 2.1.10 now supports Linux Kernel 6.2 : https://github.com/openzfs/zfs/releases/tag/zfs-2.1.10
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